July 2020


California State University Core Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student)

    2018-19 Actual  2019-20 Revised  2020-21 Enacted Change From 2019-20  2020-21 Contingencya Change From 2019-20  Difference in 2020-21 Plans
Amount Percent Amount Percent
General Fund                  
Ongoingb $3,931 $4,351d $4,100d -$251 -5.8% $4,598d $247 5.7% $498
One time 163c 345 -345 -100.0 -345 -100.0
Subtotals ($4,094) ($4,696) ($4,100) (-$597) (-12.7%) ($4,598) (-$99) (-2.1%) ($498)
Tuition and Feese $3,278 $3,262 $3,262f $3,262f
Other State Fundsg 70 68 64 -4 -5.3% 64 -4 -5.3%
Totals $7,441 $ 8,025 $7,425 -$600 -7.5% $7,923 -$102 -1.3% $498
Enrollmenth 408,322 411,085 411,085 411,085
Ongoing Funding Per Student $17,824 $18,675 $18,062 -$612 -3.3% $19,274 $599 3.2% $1,212
a The 2020-21 Budget Act contains Control Section 8.28, which provides additional funding to CSU under certain conditions. Amounts shown reflect the maximum CSU could receive. If the state receives at least $14 billion in additional federal funding by October 15, 2020, $498 million of this funding is allocated to CSU. If the state receives more than $2 billion but less than $14 billion, the amount provided to CSU is proportionally reduced. The additional federal funding is intended to support ongoing General Fund purposes on a one-time basis.    
b Includes funding for pensions and retiree health benefits.        
c The 2018-19 Budget Act also included $7 million one-time General Fund to the Department of Social Services for provision of legal services to undocumented students and immigrants at CSU campuses.    
d In addition, $7 million ongoing General Fund is provided to the Department of Social Services for provision of legal services to undocumented students and immigrants at CSU campuses.    
e Includes funds used for financial aid.    
f Reflects estimates made in January, prior to the outbreak.    
g Includes lottery funds, $2 million ongoing from the State Transportation Fund for transportation research and, in 2019-20, $3 million one time from the Mental Health Services Fund for campus mental health services.    
h Reflects full-time equivalent students. Includes resident and nonresident students.