July 2020


University of California Core Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions)

Change from    2019-20 2020-21
Change from   2019-20 Difference in 2020-21 Plans
Amount Percent Amount Percent
Core Funds                  
General Fund                  
Ongoing $3,475 $3,724 $3,465 -$259 -7.0% $3,937 $213 5.7% $472
One Time 249 214 1 -213 -99.7 1 -213 -1.0
Carryover 19
Subtotals ($3,743) ($3,938) ($3,466) (-$472) (-12.0%) ($3,938) (-$1) (-0.0%) ($472)
Tuition and feesb,c $4,902 $5,067 $5,137 $70 1.4% $5,137 $70 1.4%
Lottery 46 42 42 -0.1 -0.2 42 -0.1 -0.2
Other core fundsb,e 361 348 344 -4 -1.2 344 -4 -1.2
Totals $9,052 $9,396 $8,989 -$407 -4.3% $9,460 $65 0.7% $472
Enrollmentb,f 279,145 284,115 287,428 3,313 1.2% 287,428 3,313 1.2%
Ongoing Funding Per Student $31,469 $32,316 $31,270 -$1,046 -3.2% $32,911 $595 1.8% $1,641
a Section 8.28 of the 2020-21 Budget Act provides additional funding to UC under certain conditions. Amounts shown reflect the maximum UC might receive. If the state receives at least $14 billion in additional federal relief funding by October 15, 2020, $472 million of this funding is allocated to UC. If the state receives more than $2 billion but less than $14 billion, the additional amount provided to UC is proportionally reduced. The additional federal funding is intended to support ongoing General Fund purposes on a one-time basis.
b Reflects estimates made in January, prior to the outbreak. These estimates are subject to some uncertainty due to the current recession.
c Includes funds used for student financial aid.
d Less than $500,000 or 0.05 percent.
e Includes a portion of overhead funding on federal and state grants, a portion of patent royalty income, and Proposition 56 funding designated for graduate medical education.
f Reflects full-time equivalent students. Includes resident and nonresident students.