July 2020


Changes in California State University General Fund Spending

2020-21 (In Millions)

    Enacted Contingencya Difference
Ongoing Core Operations      
Campus operations Without trigger funds, reflects a 6.9 percent reduction in base General Fund support (3.9 percent reduction in core funds). With maximum trigger funds, base cut is rescinded and 4.6 percent General Fund augmentation is provided (2.6 percent core funds augmentation). -$299.0 $199.0 $498.1
Retiree health benefit costs Adjusts for higher CalPERS retiree health benefit costs. 31.4 31.4
Pension costs Adjusts for higher CalPERS employer contribution rates. 16.6 16.6
Subtotal   (-$251.1) ($247.0) ($498.1)
One-Time Adjustments        
Prior-year funds Removes prior-year, one-time funds. -$345.5 -$345.5
Total 2020-21 Changes   -$596.5 -$98.5 $498.1
a Section 8.28 of the 2020-21 Budget Act provides additional funding to CSU under certain conditions. Amounts shown reflect the maximum CSU could receive. If the state receives at least $14 billion in additional federal funding by October 15, 2020, $498 million of this funding is allocated to CSU. If the state receives more than $2 billion but less than $14 billion, the amount provided to CSU is proportionally reduced. The additional federal funding is intended to support ongoing General Fund purposes on a one-time basis. 
CalPERS = California Public Employees' Retirement System.