Chas Alamo
(916) 319-8357
Personal Income Tax, Employment, and Labor Law
Ann Hollingshead
(916) 319-8305
State Budget and Federal Funding
Nick Schroeder
(916) 319-8314
Public Employment, CalPERS, Elections, Veterans Affairs
Paul Steenhausen
(916) 319-8303
Local Government, Housing, and Homelessness
Brian Uhler
(916) 319-8328
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Economy, Taxes, and Labor
Alex Bentz
(916) 319-8312
Property Taxes, Bonds, and the Economy
Rowan Isaaks
(916) 319-8362
Corporation Tax and Economic Development
Seth Kerstein
(916) 319-8365
Sales and Excise Taxes and Demographics


Economy and Taxes

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Budget, Taxes, and Spending

May 5, 2000 - A slide presentation composed of graphics highlighting trends in several areas including demographics, California's economy, state expenditures and revenues, and taxation.


California's Extraordinary Revenue Developments

April 6, 2000 - General Fund revenues have been accumulating at a dramatic pace in early 2000. If current strong trends continue through the end of the year, revenues in 1999-00 will exceed the administration's January budget forecast by more than $4 billion and our own February estimate by $2 billion. Our updated forecast of the state's fiscal condition for the current and budget years will be published following the May Revision. (Cal Update)


Property Tax Administration Funding Not Ideal Approach

February 17, 2000 - We recommend that the Legislature not extend the sunset of the Property Tax Administration Loan Program and instead consider alternatives that would provide a long-term structural improvement to the property tax system.


Budget Forecast for Special Funds Revenues 2000-01

February 17, 2000 - Budget Forecast for Special Funds Revenues 2000-01


LAO's General Fund Revenue Outlook 2000-01

February 17, 2000 - LAO's General Fund Revenue Outlook 2000-01


Perspectives on State Revenues 2000-01

February 17, 2000 - Perspectives on State Revenues 2000-01


Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2000-01

February 17, 2000 - Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2000-01


The 2000-01 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

February 17, 2000 - Perspectives on the state's fiscal condition and the budget proposed by the Governor for 2000-01.


Reconsidering AB 8: Exploring Alternative Ways to Allocate Property Taxes

February 3, 2000 - In 1999 the Legislature stated its intent to revamp the property tax allocation system. We examine five alternatives for improving local finance.


California Tax Policy And the Internet

January 31, 2000 - The growth of the Internet raises many tax policy issues. These include: How can we ensure that the tax system is fair without interfering with the Internet's evolution? How will the Internet's growth affect government tax bases? We examine these and other Internet-related tax issues in detail, and recommend that California approach them by pursuing multistate tax agreements and consider undertaking a comprehensive review of telecommunication related levies.


Californians and the Marriage Penalty

December 15, 1999 - Nationally, over 40 percent of married couples currently incur the marriage penalty, which averages about $1,400 per couple. However, even more couples--over 50 percent--receive federal marriage bonuses, totaling several billion dollars more than the marriage penalties. While the likelihood of Californians facing federal marriage penalties is less than nationally, Californians pay a disproportionately large share of such penalties.


California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 1999-00 to 2004-05

November 17, 1999 - California's fiscal fortunes have again significantly exceeded expectations, due largely to its robust economic performance and the accompanying increases in General Fund revenues. We project that continued revenue growth will trigger all of the vehicle license fee (VLF) reductions previously agreed to, enable full funding of all current-law programs, and produce significant budgetary reserves in the next several years.


(1) The "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law's Impact on State Prisons: An Update , and (2) The Economic and Revenue Situation

October 23, 1999 - (1) Although the growth in the prison population has slowed in recent years, the second- and third-strike population continues to grow substantially. This growth will have implications for the costs, operation, and security needs of the prison system. (2) Strong current revenue trends suggest that revenues in 1999-00 will exceed the budget estimate, potentially by a substantial margin.. (Cal Update)


(1) Tahoe-Area Development Lawsuits Could Have Far-Reaching Impacts, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

August 23, 1999 - Four significant lawsuits concerning the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) either recently have been resolved or are proceeding toward resolution. The outcome of these cases could have important consequences for land-use regulation in the Lake Tahoe area. Further, since the cases concern provisions of the U.S. Constitution, they could affect land-use regulation across the country. (Cal Update)


Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles: An Option to Finance Transportation Projects

August 18, 1999 - Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEE bonds) are a financing instrument that enables states to fund transportation projects based on anticipated receipt of future federal funds. (Cal Update)