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The 2018-19 Budget: Charter School Facility Grant Program


[PDF] Overview of Charter Schools in California

March 12, 2019 - Presented to: Charter Task Force


[PDF] History and Development of Charter School Policy in California

August 7, 2006 - Presented to Senate Select Committee on California's Master Plan for Education, Informational Hearing on Charter Schools.


The 2024-25 California Spending Plan: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

September 16, 2024 - This post summarizes Proposition 98 funding and K-12 education spending in the 2024-25 budget package.


EdBudget Tables (January 2017)

January 13, 2017 - At key times during the state's budget cycle, we post tables containing important information about the education parts of the budget. This initial January posting reflects the 2017-18 Governor's Budget proposals. The tables cover Proposition 98, K-12 education, child care and preschool, higher education, and student financial aid. We will publish additional tables as we have them available.


[PDF] Review of the Funding Determination Process for Nonclassroom-Based Charter Schools

February 29, 2024 - In this report, we analyze the funding determination process for nonclassroom-based charter schools and make recommendations to improve the process. In addition, we highlight several key issues related to oversight of charter schools and provide recommendations for the Legislature to consider. This report is in response to a request of the Legislature. Chapter 48 of 2023 (SB 114, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) required the Legislative Analyst’s Office and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team to identify and make recommendations to improve the funding determination process for nonclassroom-based charter schools, including recommendations for enhancing oversight and reducing fraud, waste, and abuse.

Update (3/1/24): Figure 6 updated to correct number of districts that are between one and ten times the district's ADA.


The 2015-16 Budget: California Spending Plan

October 19, 2015 - Each year, the Legislative Analyst's Office publishes its Spending Plan publication to summarize the state's annual budget. Passed in June 2015, with various amendments later during the year's legislative session, the state's 2015-16 spending plan includes a large increase in funding for schools and community colleges. The budget makes augmentations to child care and preschool, higher education, and various health and human services programs. The plan also creates a new state earned income tax credit to increase the after-tax income of low-income workers.


[PDF] The 2018-19 Budget: Analysis of the May Revision Education Budget Proposals

May 14, 2018 - In this report, we analyze the 2018-19 May Revision education proposals. We first provide an overview of Proposition 98 funding and then focus on the Governor’s major proposals for K‑12 education, child care and preschool, community colleges, universities, and student financial aid. In the pages that follow, we offer many specific recommendations for the Legislature to consider. Our package of recommendations includes adopting some proposals, modifying others in certain ways, rejecting others but inviting better proposals next year, and rejecting some proposals in their entirety.


The 2017-18 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

February 9, 2017 - An analysis of the Governor’s overall 2017-18 Proposition 98 budget package as well as his specific spending proposals for K‑12 education, including a summary of our recommendations.


[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Higher Education

January 29, 2009 - The Governor’s budget proposal includes $11.5 billion in General Fund support as well as $5.7 billion in other core funding for higher education in 2009-10. The proposed budget would increase university fees by almost $300 million while it would reduce state financial aid programs by $88 million. It also could reduce higher education enrollment by tens of thousands of students. We offer alternatives that would increase funding for state financial aid programs, increase enrollment targets well above the Governor's levels, and better account for student fee revenue.


The 2024-25 Budget: California State Library

March 13, 2024 - This post analyzes the Governor’s January budget proposals for the State Library. The post first provides background on the State Library, then provides an update on the implementation of recent local assistance initiatives. Next, it discusses the Governor’s budget proposals and concludes by providing associated recommendations.


[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: California Spending Plan

November 4, 2013 - The LAO’s annual California Spending Plan publication details the 2013-14 budget package, including legislative and gubernatorial actions through October 2013. (Our office released a preliminary electronic version of the report on July 30, 2013 that summarized legislative and gubernatorial actions through that date.) Major features of the 2013-14 budget plan include $2.1 billion for a new formula to distribute funding amongst schools, a state-based plan to expand Medi-Cal to cover more than one million additional low-income adults, and selected program augmentations.


The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Proposition 98

October 24, 2022 - This post summarizes overall Proposition 98 funding and K-12 education spending in the 2022-23 budget package. It is part of our Spending Plan series, which contains posts focused on each major sector of the state budget.


The 2012-13 Budget: California Spending Plan

September 13, 2012 - The LAO’s annual "California Spending Plan" publication includes detailed descriptions of this year’s state budget package, as approved by the Legislature and the Governor. Included are highlights from the administration’s official scoring of the budget package. This final version of the publication reflects gubernatorial actions on budget-related bills through the end of September 2012. (Revised 10/4/12)