Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2018-19 Budget: Governor’s May Revision Proposal for Caltrans’ Capital Outlay Support Program

May 13, 2018 - In April 2017, the Legislature enacted Chapter  5 (SB  1, Beall) to increase state funding for transportation by about $5  billion annually through various fuel and vehicle tax increases. The legislation phases in the tax increases, with the first ones having taken effect in November 2017.

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Economic Outlook

May 12, 2018 - While these markets represent a minority of homes in the state, the Bay Area contributes disproportionately to the state’s economic activity and tax revenue. Figure 2 LAO May 2018 Economic Growth Scenario a Percent Change Unless Otherwise Indicated 2017

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Revenue Outlook

May 12, 2018 - (Corporations previously avoided paying federal tax on these profits by holding them overseas.) Once this one-time tax is paid, corporations may bring these profits back to the U.S. any time (without paying any additional federal taxes).

The 2018-19 Budget: The May Revision—Funding to Address Homelessness

May 12, 2018 - The administration proposes allocating the $250 in one-time Homelessness Emergency Aid grants to local Continuums of Care —local entities that administer housing assistance programs within a particular area, often a county or group of counties.

The 2018-19 Budget: Initial Comments on the May Revision

May 12, 2018 - The Governor allocates funds to support mental health programs throughout the state, including $281  million to reduce the state ’s mandate backlog mostly related to county mental health services for children, $50  million for counties to provide homeless individuals with mental illnesses, and $55  million to the University of California to support graduate medical education for psychiatric programs.

Cannabis Tax Revenue Update [EconTax Blog]

May 8, 2018 - Cannabis Tax Revenue Update [EconTax Blog] Seth Kerstein Cannabis Tax Revenue Update In November 2016, California voters approved Proposition 64 , which legalized the nonmedical use of cannabis. As seen in the figure, the state levies two excise taxes on cannabis: a retail excise tax and a cultivation tax.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Earned Income Tax Credit Education and Outreach [Publication Details]

May 8, 2018 - The 2018-19 Budget: California Earned Income Tax Credit Education and Outreach [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Earned Income Tax Credit Education and Outreach

May 8, 2018 - Many community-based organizations and other state and local government agencies (such as school districts and county social services offices) engage in efforts to raise awareness about the state and federal EITC and help eligible individuals file their income tax returns.

The 2018-19 Budget: A Guide to Understanding Potential Changes in the Proposition 98 Guarantee

May 7, 2018 - Additionally, personal income tax payments indicate that wage and/or job growth has been strong through the first part of 2018. In a few days, we will have additional tax data to help discern what share of higher revenue growth in 2017 ‑18 is likely to be ongoing versus one time.

The 2018-19 Budget: Review of Fair Political Practices Commission Budget and Workload

May 7, 2018 - FPPC indicates that the current agreement with the county (established in 2014‑15) specifies that the county pay FPPC a lump sum payment of $55,000 at the beginning of each calendar year to pay for a base amount of FPPC staff time and FPPC bills the county at a specified hourly rate for additional time.