Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2020-21 Budget: School District Budget Trends

Jan 21, 2020 - Most of these charter schools are not unionized, with the management of these schools determining salaries and other terms of employment. In contrast, the remaining 25  p ercent of charter schools have a closer relationship to their authorizing school districts.

The 2020-21 Budget: School District Budget Trends [Publication Details]

Jan 21, 2020 - The 2020-21 Budget: School District Budget Trends [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Unemployment Claims Update: December 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Jan 17, 2020 - Unemployment claims have been relatively flat over the past year, fluctuating slightly around an average of about 175,000. This pattern signals a strong labor market and, contrary to other recent economic data , offers little evidence of an impending economic slowdown.

Child Care and Preschool Subsidized Slots [EdBudget]

Jan 16, 2020 - For Transitional Kindergarten, reflects preliminary estimates, as enrollment data not yet publicly available for any year of the period. Table does not include slots funded through emergency bridge program for foster children. a Does not include certain community college child care slots (1,300 to 1,800 slots annually).

Financial Aid Award Coverage [EdBudget]

Jan 16, 2020 - Available for up to two calendar years. UC Grant Provides tuition and nontuition coverage for UC students. Available for up to six years of full-time study (or its equivalent). CSU State University Grant Provides tuition coverage for CSU students who are not eligible for a Cal Grant but have financial need.

Financial Aid Award Amounts [EdBudget]

Jan 16, 2020 - The UC and CSU summer financial aid award amounts are calculated for a student enrolled in 15 units on a semester calendar in state-supported courses.  Students who receive the Cal Grant B Access Award also receive a supplemental award funded by the College Access Tax Credit.

Gasoline and Diesel Powered Vehicle Manufacturing Ban [Ballot]

Jan 14, 2020 - Pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 9005 of the Elections Code, we are informing you that, in our opinion, a reasonable estimate of the net fiscal impact of this proposed initiat ive measure cannot be prepared within 50 calendar days.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 13, 2020 - The Governor allocates most of the surplus toward one-time purposes, including maintaining a positive year-end balance in the state’s discretionary reserve. Under the administration’s estimates, total reserves would reach $20.5 billion at the end of 2020-21—this represents a $1.7 billion increase from the 2019-20 enacted level.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2020 - Most notably, the Governor provides a combined $ 900  m illion for six programs aimed at improving school employee training, recruitment, and retention. The budget also provides $ 600  m illion for two new grant programs: (1) $ 300  m illion for grants to help low ‑performing schools and districts improve their performance and (2) $ 300  m illion for

Building Permits Update: November 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Jan 9, 2020 - In 2018, single family permits got off to a strong start but faded at the end of the year. 2019 has seen the opposite pattern, as the late 2018 slump continued through early 2019 but conditi ons improved later in the year.