Results for irish state pension

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The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Higher Education [Publication Details]

Oct 4, 2022 - This post summarizes the state’s 2022-23 spending package for higher education. It is part of our Spending Plan series.

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Higher Education

Oct 4, 2022 - Figure 9 State Makes First Round of Student Housing Grant Awards General Fund (In Millions)

April 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

May 1, 2018 - April 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog] Carolyn Chu   April Is a Major Revenue Month. April is the most important revenue month for the state, as taxpayers file returns for their personal income tax (PIT) liabilities.

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Child Care and Preschool [Publication Details]

Oct 27, 2022 - This post summarizes the state’s 2022-23 spending package for child care and preschool. It is part of our Spending Plan series, which contains posts focused on each major sector of the state budget.

The 2018-19 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Nov 15, 2017 - The state could encourage districts to use any one ‑time funding for addressing retiree pension and health liabilities, addressing deferred maintenance, or purchasing instructional materials and education technology upgrades.

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Health [Publication Details]

Oct 24, 2022 - This post summarizes overall spending in the 2022-23 budget package for health programs. It is part of our Spending Plan series, which contains posts focused on each major sector of the state budget.

California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending by Program [EdBudget]

Sep 1, 2022 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

University Capital Outlay Projects [EdBudget]

Aug 25, 2022 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

Income Tax Withholding Tracker [EconTax Blog]

Oct 4, 2022 - Over the final eight collection days of May 2024, the state took in $3.5 billion in withholding, nearly $1 billion more than the final eight days of May 2023.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker [EconTax Blog]

Oct 4, 2022 - Over the final eight collection days of May 2024, the state took in $3.5 billion in withholding, nearly $1 billion more than the final eight days of May 2023.