Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency

Sep 30, 2016 - UI Program Is Financed Through Employer Tax Contributions. Employers pay both state and federal UI payroll taxes. State UI taxes are deposited into the state ’s UI trust fund to pay for benefits to unemployed workers.

Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency [Publication Details]

Sep 30, 2016 - In this series of four online posts, we (1) examine the current condition of the UI trust fund and how it may change in the near future, (2) provide context on who pays UI taxes and how much they pay, (3) assess the extent to which the UI trust fund is prepared for the next economic downturn, and (4) look at potential steps the Legislature could take should it wish to increase reserves in the trust fund as a means to address the fiscal impacts of the next economic downturn.

California’s First Film Tax Credit Program

Sep 29, 2016 - The total increase could be somewhat higher because most new economic activity will occur in and around Los Angeles County, where local sales tax rates often are higher than the statewide average. Among the local government revenues affected will be property taxes.

California’s First Film Tax Credit Program [Publication Details]

Sep 29, 2016 - California’s First Film Tax Credit Program [Publication Details] California’s First Film Tax Credit Program Format: HTML Description: In this report, as required by law, we evaluate the economic effects and the administration of the first film tax credit program passed in 2009.

August 2016 State Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Sep 28, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.

Proposition 13 Report: More Data on California Property Taxes [EconTax Blog]

Sep 22, 2016 - In our report , we also consider all inflation-adjusted city and county government tax revenues per person, including not only property taxes but also sales and other taxes received by California cities and counties, excluding state and federal funds.

Improving Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in California

Sep 21, 2016 - We recommend requiring outcomes be reported at the school, district, county, SELPA, and state levels. (For example, if a county has ten DHH students spread across several districts, the average test results for the group would be reported at the county level but not at the district or school level.)

Common Claims About Proposition 13

Sep 19, 2016 - The year before Proposition  13 passed, property taxes comprised over 90  percent of cities ’ and counties ’ local tax revenue. Today, that share is less than two –thirds . Cities and Counties Have More Control Over Sales, Hotel, and Utility Taxes Than Property Taxes.

Common Claims About Proposition 13 [Publication Details]

Sep 19, 2016 - Proposition 13 was a landmark decision by California’s voters in June 1978 to limit property taxes. Today, there are many questions about the impacts of these changes. This report examines some of these questions and which of them can be answered by the data available. Also see the companion videos for this report.

2015 Census Data on Incomes [EconTax Blog]

Sep 15, 2016 - Follow @LAOEconTax on Twitter for regular California economy and tax updates.