Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Alcoholic Beverages Initiative

The likely decline in taxable consumption of alcoholic beverages due to the increase in the excise tax imposed under this measure would also affect local SUT revenues. We estimate that local governments, primarily cities and counties, would experience a decrease in sales tax revenues of approximately $100 million on a statewide basis due to the excise tax increase.

Involuntary Servitude [Ballot]

Jun 9, 2021 - Such punishments include (1)  incarceration in state prison, county jail, or a county juvenile detention facility; (2)  supervision in the community by a county probation officer; (3)  payment of fines; or (4)  some combination of the three.

[PDF] California Tax Policy and the Internet: Supplements

Allocation of the Use Tax The state also receives revenues from its 6 percent use tax rate. Since the use tax component of the SUT is by nature not identified with a particular place of business, the local portion of the tax is generally allocated to local jurisdictions in the county of use through the countywide pool.

Building Permits Update: January 2020 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 5, 2020 - In each of these counties, the decline was entirely due to fewer multifamily permits. Contra Costa and San Mateo counties have not seen similar declines, although they still lag far behind the other counties in overall permit activity.

[PDF] Statewide Voter Initiative to Reform and Regulate the Timber Industry in California

Specifically, this new state department would be responsible for creating timber harvesting plans at the state, county, and project level and implementing forest restoration and mitigation projects. These activities would be funded by a 33 percent tax on timber and alternative timber products harvested on state land and a 2 percent tax on timber and alternative timber products harvested on private land.

Taxes on gasoline and other motor fuels are the

Taxes on gasoline and other motor fuels are the major source of revenue for highway construction and maintenance, and for mass transit. With fuel use flat, increasing funds for tra nsportation has required increasing the tax rate per gallon of fuel.

Cap total compensation for executives and nonprofit hospitals. [Ballot]

Dec 18, 2015 - A public hospital is operated by the state of California, a county, a city, the University of California, a local health district or authority, or any other political subdivision of the state. A private hospital is typically operated by a corporation (either for-profit or nonprofit).

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Population Growth 94 5 Department of Finance Economic Outlook for California and the Nation, 1989 through 1991 95 6 Trends in Key National Economic Variables 96 7 Trends in Inflation 98 8 Annual Growth in California Personal Income 98 9 Trends in California's Employment and Unemployment 99 10 New Vehicle Registrations in California 100 11 California Residential Building PerIllits 100 12

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Quality Improvement Fees

Ultimately, it is a policy call for the Legislature whether such a tax is an appropriate source of revenue to help support the Medi-Cal Program, or whether more general sources of revenue, such as the income or sales tax, are a more appropriate basis for providing financial support of health care for the poor.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Alternative Budget Overview

Under our proposal, counties would receive slightly more resources than the state currently dedicates to this purpose ($495 million instead of $483 million). Counties would have broad authority to use these resources to reduce recidivism and improve public safety.