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The 1991-92 realignment legislation eliminated a total of $750 milli on in General Fund support for mental health services and established a Local Revenue Fund (state sales tax and vehicle license fee revenues) to support the increased financial obl igations of counties.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The Governor also proposed other discretionary increases, including $400  million in assistance to counties to offset some of their cost increases associated with the termination of the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI).

The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan

Oct 12, 2022 - CARE Act implementation will begin in seven “Cohort I ” counties by October 1, 2023, with the remaining counties to begin implementation no later than December 1, 2024. Medi ‑Cal Coverage Expansion to Remaining Undocumented Populations.

[PDF] Local land use planning and zoning.

For example, housing developments that are privately owned, receive no property tax exemption, and do not have more than 49 percent of housing units occupied by low-income residents, as defined, are exempt from Article 34.

Building Permits Update: April 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Jun 9, 2021 - Los Angeles County permitted the most units as usual, followed by Santa Clara and Alameda counties. Santa Clara ’s total of 765 was more than it recorded in the previous seven months combined. Nonresidential construction permit activity was surprisingly strong in March but dropped sharply in April, and the total of $1.041 billion was the lowest figure for any month since at least 2012.

[PDF] Overview of Public Community Mental Health Services Funding and the Mental Health Services Act

The next largest source of funding—around $2.7 billion in 2017-18— comprises local realignment revenues, which are portions of the state’s sales tax and vehicle license fee revenues that the state dedicates to counties to pay for a number of county responsibilities, including mental health services (and some substance use disorder services).

[PDF] The Higher Education, Schools, Public Safety and Health Care Preservation Act (Amdt. #1S)

The CSU would be required to allocate part of its portion of the CHEF to campuses with nursing programs in the counties determined to have the most need. Possible Limits on Future Funding Levels for Higher Education.

2011 Initiative Analysis: The Higher Education, Schools, Public Safety and Health Care Preservation Act (Amdt. #1S)

The CSU would be required to allocate part of its portion of the CHEF to campuses with nursing programs in the counties determined to have the most need. Possible Limits on Future Funding Levels for Higher Education.

[PDF] AB 3632 Mental Health Services

Possible sources include federal special education funding, Proposition 98 funding, local property taxes (including funds redirected from redevelopment projects), and/or Proposition 63 funds.  Convene Work Group to Address Transitional Issues.

What Will It Mean for California? The Tobacco Settlement

The local share will be further split between the counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state's 58 counties will receive 90 percent of the local share, or $11.25 billion. These monies will be distributed to the counties based on population.