Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2016-17 Budget: Fiscal Impacts of Proposition 47

Feb 12, 2016 - Of the $26.9  million in court costs identified by the administration, our analysis finds that $25  million is for workload associated with resentencing hearings that occurred in 2014 –15 . As noted previously, we believe that a more reasonable way to calculate net savings in a given fiscal year is to account for all costs and savings incurred within that year.

The 2016-17 Budget: Governor’s General Fund Deferred Maintenance Proposal

Feb 12, 2016 - Specifically, it is uncertain whether these changes reflect actual differences in needs since last year or are a result of differences in how deferred maintenance is catalogued or reported by departments.

The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Feb 11, 2016 - As part of a years –long effort to identify and effect improvements to the state ’s child welfare system, the Legislature passed legislation in 2015 implementing the Continuum of Care Reform, or CCR.

The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 11, 2016 - This year –over –year increase is due to several factors, such as projected increases in caseload and the loss of General Fund savings due to the impending sunset of the MCO tax and the hospital QAF.

Parole consideration, credits, and the prosecution of juveniles in adult court, Amendment No. 1. [Ballot]

Feb 11, 2016 - Under indeterminate sentencing, prison inmates receive a sentence range, such as 25-years-to-life, and typically appear before the state Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) for a parole consideration hearing in order to be granted release from prison.

The 2016-17 Budget: Review of UC’s Merced Campus Expansion Proposal

Feb 10, 2016 - Projections of public high school graduates fluctuate between small increases and decreases over the next several years, with a less than 1  percent increase in graduates between 2015 –16 and 2019 –20 .

The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor's State Office Building Proposal

Feb 9, 2016 - Consistent with AB 1656, this plan should outline a course of action for the next 25 years. The plan should also provide options on how to start and sequence the renovation and construction of office buildings and identify the order in which the administration proposes addressing state office buildings, consistent with the scope of the Planning Study that the administration proposed in 2014 –15 .

Perspectives on Helping Low-Income Californians Afford Housing

Feb 9, 2016 - Housing that likely was considered “luxury ” when first built declined to the middle of the housing market within 25 years. . . . But Lack of New Construction Can Slow This Process. When new construction is abundant, middle –income households looking to upgrade the quality of their housing often move from older, more affordable housing to new housing.

The 2016-17 Budget: The State's Drought Response

Feb 5, 2016 - As a result, statewide urban water usage dropped by 25.5  percent from June to December of 2015 compared to the same period in 2013, slightly exceeding the statewide conservation target of 25  percent.

Cultivation, possession, and sale of marijuana. Version 6 [Ballot]

Feb 5, 2016 - Pursuant to the legislation, medical marijuana cooperatives are in the process of being phased out within a few years and replaced by state-licensed businesses that cultivate and distribute medical marijuana.