Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Pilot to determine value of stronger auditing effort by OIS to validate IT security compliance.

Mar 3, 2014 - Departments that have critical lead or supporting role in the State Emergency Plan ’s emergency functions who have not performed a security risk assessment —self-certification —in the last two years.

Staffing levels of Fire Prevention Fee Program

Mar 3, 2014 - These positions expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Proposal For 2014-15, the administration proposes to make permanent all 54 existing limited-term positions and add 9 new two-year limited term positions and 9.7 one-year temporary positions , for a total cost of $7.3 million.

Recommend new interest calculation for future special fund loans

Feb 28, 2014 - On average, a loan issued in 2008-09 would therefore earn nearly six times as much interest each year as if that loan were issued in 2011-12. Considering that the average PMIA rate in December 2013 was 0.3 percent, loans issued in years in which PMIA rates were much higher, in our view, result in requirements for the General Fund to pay unreasonably high levels of interest.

Analysis of Education Mandates [Publication Details]

Feb 26, 2014 - In recent years, the state has tried to simplify this process by creating two alternative reimbursement structures. The reasonable reimbursement methodology (RRM) provides reimbursement for a particular mandate using a formula developed in a quasi-judicial forum.

Review of School Transportation in California [Publication Details]

Feb 25, 2014 - Review of School Transportation in California [Publication Details] Review of School Transportation in California Format: HTML Description: In 2013-14, the Legislature undertook a major restructuring of school finance but retained the state’s Home-to-School Transportation (HTST) program.

Regulation of accelerated death benefits

Feb 24, 2014 - Approving these pos itions on a limited-term basis would allow the Legislature to reexamine CDI ’s need for these 3 positions, or a smaller or greater number, on a permanent basis in several years once an actual caseload history has been established.

Reduce funding proposed for coordination with Office of Patient Advocate

Feb 24, 2014 - The numbers of telephone calls and complain ts handled by the consumer services division have remained relatively constant over the past several years. However, CDI reports that it is spending significantly more time handlin g complaints than it did several years ago.

Proposed added staff for statewide human resources training

Feb 24, 2014 - In recent years, SCO has had insufficient resources to meet the number of training requests it receives from state departments. Specifically, between calendar years 2008 and 2012 SCO only met 28 percent of the total number of requests for training.

Implementation of the Enterprise Data to Revenue (EDR) project

Feb 20, 2014 - We recommend that, of the 15 permanent positions requested for the audit division, the Legislature approve 6 of those positions —specifically, 6 of the 13 tax auditor positions —on a two-year limited-term basis.

Funding CalSTRS [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2014 - The state and school districts likely will bear the majority of these costs. The presentation discusses options the state's leaders may have in developing the plan to address this huge funding problem over the long term.