Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2017-18 Budget: Trial Courts and the County Office of Education General Fund Offset

Feb 16, 2017 - The 2017-18 Budget: Trial Courts and the County Office of Education General Fund Offset The 2017-18 Budget Trial Courts and the County Office of Education General Fund Offset County Offices Of Education (COEs) Funded Through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

The 2024-25 Budget: CalFire—Implementation of a 66-Hour Workweek

Mar 19, 2024 - Specifically, based on current revenue projections, to bring the budget into balance over the next few years, the Legislature will have to adopt some combination of ongoing program reductions and tax increases totaling at lea st $30  billion.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Human Services

Nov 22, 2021 - The state has funded the restoration of IHSS service hours with General Fund since 2016 ‑17 so long as the managed care organization (MCO) tax established in 2016 was in place. While the 2016 MCO tax expired at the end of 2018 ‑19, the 2019 ‑20 budget continued the use of General Fund to restore IHSS service hours, subject to potential suspension on December 31, 2021.

Felony sentencing. [Ballot]

Sep 24, 2018 - Changing the amount of realignment revenue provided to counties likely would require changing the tax rates. In 2018-19, counties are expected to receive a total of over $1.4  billion to pay for the three realigned felon populations described above.

2023-24 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending [EdBudget]

Nov 7, 2023 - LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula, COLA = Cost-of-living adjustment, COE = county office of education, ASES = After School Education and Safety Program, CCEE = California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, LCAP = Local Control and Accountability Plan, LGBTQ+ = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others.

The 2023-24 California Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness

Oct 19, 2023 - This would be the fifth consecutive year in which the budget has proposed a one-time expansion of the state ’s housing tax credit, for a total of $2.5  billion in tax credits. $100  Million One-Time Augmentation for Multifamily Housing Program (MHP).

The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 16, 2023 - The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan (Final Version) Overview of the Spending Plan (Final Version) Appendix 4: Large One-Time and Temporary Augmentations Transportation Appendix 4, Figure 1 Remaining Large One ‑Time and Temporary Augmentations From the 2021 ‑22 and 2022 ‑23 Budget Packages: Business and Labor General Fund (In millions) Begin new information technology overhaul

Proposition 10 [Ballot]

Nov 6, 2018 - Yes/No Statement A YES vote on this measure means: State law would not limit the kinds of rent control laws cities and counties could have. A NO vote on this measure means: State law would continue to limit the kinds of rent control laws cities and counties could have.

California gaming activities. [Ballot]

Oct 1, 2021 - Imposes Sports Wagering Tax and Payments. The measure imposes a 15 percent tax on entities offering sports wagering. This tax is applied to the amount of sports wagers made after deducting any payouts of winnings.

The 2024-25 Budget: Sustainable Funding for the Department of Pesticide Regulation [Publication Details]

Mar 5, 2024 - In this post, we assess the Governor's proposal to increase the mill assessment—a tax levied on pesticides when first sold into or within the state—to address the structural deficit within the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s special fund and to support various programmatic expansions for the department.