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The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Revenue Outlook

May 12, 2018 - Depending on corporations ’ tax status in California, a portion of this returning cash will be taxed by the state. Specifically, the state taxes corporate profits based on the business ’ share of sales generated in California (which is roughly 7 percent on average).

Annual Tuition and Fees by Higher Education Segment [EdBudget]

Jul 5, 2017 - CCC reflects maximum charges for five campus service fees authorized by state law. Not all CCC campuses charge the maximum amount. c Includes postbaccalaureate programs other than teacher credential programs.

California’s sick leave requirements and increases in California’s statewide minimum wage. (Amendment #1.) [Ballot]

Dec 23, 2015 - Other Effects on State and Local Government Spending State Revenue Changes Would Affect Formula-Driven Elements of State Budget. Two major provisions in the State Constitution contain formulas that incorporate state revenues.

How California Governments Respond to Disasters [Publication Details]

Jan 10, 2019 - Government agencies are responsible for reacting quickly to disasters to help limit damage to people and their property. This includes assessing the disaster situation and bringing in the necessary resources to respond in a coordinated way. This post describes the state system used to facilitate a coordinated response to disasters.

The 2018-19 Budget: Update on State Funding for K-12 School Facilities [Publication Details]

May 3, 2018 - The 2018-19 Budget: Update on State Funding for K-12 School Facilities [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's May Revision Medi-Cal Budget

May 14, 2018 - Most private hospitals in the state are required to pay a QAF to the state, which uses these revenues to draw down additional federal funding for payments to hospitals, as well as to offset some General Fund costs in Medi-Cal.

The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals

Feb 24, 2016 - In 2015 –16 , the state allocated about $70  million for this purpose. More recently, the state has worked with local consortia to establish local Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) in some areas of the state, using a mix of federal, state, and local resources.

University of California: Conditions Attached to $50 Million General Fund Increase [EdBudget]

Jul 5, 2017 - State Auditor Recommendations. Implement the State Auditor's recommendations regarding budgeting for the UC Office of the President. Review existing funding streams and identify which ones are restricted.

General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Dec 10, 2015 - Protection and Restoration of Watersheds Within State Parks ($150  Million). The measure provides $150  million for the restoration of watersheds within state parks, as well as to improve the water supply and wastewater treatment systems in state parks.

General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Dec 10, 2015 - Protection and Restoration of Watersheds Within State Parks ($150  Million). The measure provides $150  million for the restoration of watersheds within state parks, as well as to improve the water supply and wastewater treatment systems in state parks.