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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in Higher Education

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An Analysis of the University of California’s Agricultural and Natural Resource Programs

Jan 6, 2022 - UC has Cooperative Extension offices in 57 of the state ’s 58 counties, with multiple offices in some counties (Figure  3). UC ANR typically leases these offices from county governments. UC ANR also owns and manages nine sites known as “Research and Extension Centers. ” These centers support specialized applied research and host outreach activities.

Overview of Mental Health Services for College Students

Dec 10, 2021 - County mental health departments also have a major role in the delivery of community mental health services. In particular, counties provide services for low-income individuals with the highest service needs, including Medi-Cal beneficiaries with severe mental illness.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Higher Education

Oct 11, 2021 - Trailer legislation authorizes DHCS to award these grants through a competitive process to higher education institutions, as well as other qualified entities (such as counties, health care service plans, community-based organizations, and behavioral health providers).

The 2021-22 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor’s May Revision

May 17, 2021 - If the Legislature wants to make different decisions about this spending (without statutory changes or fund shifts), it can either: (1)  use the funds to make tax rebates and additional payments to schools, (2)  spend on other SAL-excluded purposes, or (3)  use the funds to reduce taxes.

The 2021-22 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor’s May Revision

May 17, 2021 - CAC = California Arts Council; CalVet = California Department of Veterans Affairs; CDE = California Department of Education; CDFA = California Department of Food and Agriculture; CDI = California Department of Insurance; CDT = California Department of Technology; SOC = Security Operations Center; IT = information technology; CMD = California Military Department; CPUC = California Public Utilities

The 2021-22 Budget: “Cradle to Career” Data System

Mar 26, 2021 - Specifically, the system includes early education programs, elementary and secondary schools, county offices of education, community colleges, and universities in both the public and private sectors.

The 2021-22 Budget: Various CSU Proposals

Mar 9, 2021 - State Recently Funded New Campus Study With Focus on Five Areas, Including San Joaquin County. The 2019 ‑20 Budget Act provided $ 4  m illion to the CSU Chancellor ’s Office to assess demand for a potential new campus in one of five specified areas: San Joaquin County (including Stockton), Chula Vista, Concord, Palm Desert, and San Mateo County.

The 2021-22 Budget: UC Programs in Medical Education

Feb 26, 2021 - According to UC, 72  p ercent of practicing physicians from the UC Irvine program practice in county health facilities or federal qualified health centers, 66  p ercent work in practices that serve primarily low ‑income patients, and 53  p ercent work in practices where a majority of patients are Latino.

The 2021-22 Budget: California Community Colleges

Feb 16, 2021 - Community college districts and K ‑12 agencies (including school districts and county offices of education) may apply for these grants. To be eligible for funding, applicants must demonstrate a commitment from one or more employers to hire participating apprentices.

The 2021-22 Budget: California Student Aid Commission

Feb 8, 2021 - Students with dependent children qualify for a supplemental award that brings nontuition coverage to a maximum of $6,000 for Cal Grant A and B recipients and $4,000 for Cal Grant C recipients. c Cal Grant B recipients also receive a supplemental award (up to $8) funded by the College Access Tax Credit.