Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The most recent infestations were detected in June 1993 in four Southern California counties and in October 1994 in Ventura county. June 1993 Infestation . This infestation resulted in the department designating a quarantine area of 1,500 square miles that covers portions of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange countie s.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Child Abuse and Neglect

County costs would increase similarly, ranging from less than $200,000 to $1.7  million, depending on the amount of increased referrals. There could be additional county costs for providing training if school districts turn to local county child welfare ag encies to assist them in training their employees.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Health

Los Angeles County--3 b. Bay Area-3 c. Riverside County-1 , d; Sacramento County-1 e. San Bernardino County-1 f. Orange County--:-1 . . g. San Diego CountY,-l 2. In counties without air pollution conti'ol districts a.

An Alternative Approach: Treating the Incompetent to Stand Trial

Our analysis indicates that such an approach would result in significant savings for the state and counties in the costs of providing services to IST commitments. Furthermore, it would reduce state and county exposure to potential future court involvement from delays in the treatment of ISTs held in county jail longer than recommended by the courts.

Restructuring the State-Local Relationship [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 1994 - This proposal would increase county governments' responsibilities for funding a variety of health and welfare programs, and transfer a corresponding amount of state resources to the counties. The Governor's proposal is similar in many respects to a restructuring proposal offered by this office last year.

Existing state tuberculosis (TB) control funding should be used to address TB control mandate.

May 12, 2014 - Each county and city is required to designate an LHO to perform a varie ty of public health responsibilities (including TB control). However, most cities, with the exception of the cities of Berkeley, Long Beach, and Pasadena, have conferred this autho rity upon their county LHO.

The 2021-22 Budget: Transitional Kindergarten Expansion Package

Feb 5, 2021 - Funds will be distributed to county offices of education, school districts or charter schools based on a competitive process developed by the state Superintendent of Public Instruction, subject to the approval of the e xecutive director of the State Board of Education.

The 2010-11 Budget: Assessing the Prison Population Reduction Proposal [Publication Details]

Jan 25, 2010 - Specifically, the Governor proposes to require that offenders who have no prior serious or violent offenses and are convicted of certain property and drug felony crimes serve a maximum sentence of one year and one day in county jail in lieu of a state prison sentence.

Jail time instead of prison for specified felonies.

Jan 23, 2010 - Program: Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Finding or Recommendation: Approve Governor's special proposal to require that certain offenders convicted of specified property and drug felony crimes serve a maximum sentence of 366 days in county jail in lieu of a state prison sentence, but modify it to (1) permit counties to place additional jail inmates

Overview of Water Management Issues in the Los Angeles County Region [Publication Details]

Nov 16, 2015 - Overview of Water Management Issues in the Los Angeles County Region [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.