Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The statute of limitations for certain sex crimes committed against minors.

Punishment for such crimes typically involves incarceration in county jail or state prison and can include supervision by county probation officers or state parole agents upon release. State law requires individuals who have committed such crimes to register with local law enforcement as sex offenders.

[PDF] Amend the California Constitution to generally require physicians to notify the parent or guardian of a minor under the age of 16 before performing an abortion on that minor, with certain exceptions.

Under these circumstances, there could also be a minor increase in child welfare and foster care costs for the state and counties. Summary of Fiscal Effects This measure would have the following fiscal effects:  State administrative costs of at least $1 million, and potentially a few million dollars, annually.  Uncertain net fiscal impact on state health and social services

[PDF] Public social services.

The job placement program required by the measure overlaps somewhat with existing county activities. The state and counties would not incur additional costs to the extent that counties are already performing the employment outreach and placement activities required by the measure.

[PDF] Temporary extension of Proposition 30 income tax increases.

Proposition 30 temporarily raised some state taxes.  Sales Taxes. Proposition 30 increased the state sales tax rate by one-quarter cent from 2013 through 2016. In the current fiscal year, this increase is budgeted to generate $1.6 billion of revenue.  Income Taxes.

[PDF] Death penalty.

County Jails. County jail costs could also be reduced because of the measure’s effect on murder trials. Persons held for trial on murder charges, particularly cases that could result in a death sentence, ordinarily remain in county jail until the completion of their trial and sentencing.

[PDF] California campaign finance and disclosure laws. (Amendment #2).

In addition to these one-time costs, state and county governments would experience increased ongoing costs—possibly millions of dollars annually— to administer and enforce the provisions of this measure.

[PDF] Medical marijuana.

State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medical marijuana. A small number of cities also impose a supplemental tax on medical marijuana sales. We estimate that the total amount of state and local revenue collected statewide from the above taxes likely is in the high tens of millions of dollars annually.

[PDF] The cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana (Amendment No 1).

The measure states that no other retail taxes shall be imposed by cities and counties on marijuana sales. Revenues from the local retail excise tax would be allocated to the city or county (if the sale occurs in an unincorporated area) where the marijuana is sold.

[PDF] Retirement benefits for state and local governmental employees in California (Amendment No. 1).

(In addition to the 1.45 percent tax towards Medicare, high earners pay an additional 0.9 percent of pay on earnings above a certain threshold; however, the employer does not pay this additional tax.)

[PDF] Increases excise taxes on the distribution of cigarettes and other tobacco products and applies the tobacco products excise tax to electronic cigarettes (Amendment #1).

The department administers various education programs, and allocates funding to various types of local education agencies, including county offices of education, school districts, and charter schools.