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California Public Higher Education: Funding Supplemental Services for Low-Income and First-Generation Students

Dec 20, 2017 - Also, beca use the programs are set in statute and regulations —and funding generally cannot be transferred across programs —the system is not nimble in responding to new information, including changing student needs.

Overview of the 2002-03 May Revision [Publication Details]

May 16, 2002 - The Governor's May Revision addresses an enormous increase in the state's budget shortfall through a variety of spending reductions, tax increases, fund transfers, and additional borrowing. Overall, it is a credible plan. At the same time, the proposal contains some risks and even with its adoption, the state would face additional shortfalls in the future.

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Resources and Environmental Protection

. • Prohibit Transfers to State Operations, Except for Levee Maintenance. The Legislature could modify the proposal to prohibit transfers to state operations, except for levee maintenance. This would limit how much funding could be shifted to state operations, which does not 2015-16 B U D G E T Legislative Analyst’s Office 29 primarily fund projects (though it can fund levee maintenance).

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: The 2010-11 Budget

Each system has already reduced fall 2009 freshman admissions, and CSU is eliminating spring 2010 admissions—primarily affecting community col‑ lege transfer students. The UC has expressed its intent to maintain freshman admissions at their current level and increase transfer admissions for 2010‑11, but these plans will no doubt evolve as the fiscal year takes shape.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Corrections

These special repairs were transferred from minor capital outlay to this category. We have reviewed the items of 1'29 5-76271 Department of Yo'uth Authority-Continued special repairs and recommend their inclusion in the budget for 1968-69.

LAO commentary on Facebook IPO and state revenue forecasts

May 15, 2012 - (We are still in the process of evaluating various May Revision proposals, such as newly proposed loans and transfers to the General Fund.) Comparisons with prior forecasts are complicated, given the changes since January in the Governor ’s proposed tax measure and the recent inclusion of revenues related to Friday ’s planned initial public offering (IPO) of stock by Facebook, Inc.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Industrial

This agency provides consultation service to various segments of city and county government and in addition provides inspection services to those agencies. The state engineers exercise concurrent authority and there are a number of oc- casions where they are requested by local agencies to make inspections due to the nature or type of the inspection.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: INDEX

Table of Contents _________ '-_____ ~ ____ '-_________________________________ xxix Tax Assessment Bureau (Equalization) _-'_'_-'-' ___ _' __________ ~ ______________ 213 Tax Base (Letter Transmittal) __________________________________________ xiii Tax Collection Division (Controller) _____________________________________ 197 Tax Board, Franchise _____ '-_________________________

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Trial Court Fund 0450

An important part of the financing mechanism for th e state's new fiscal responsibility for the trial courts was the requirement that local governments transfer a variety of court-related fees collected by trial courts and local gov ernments to the state's trust fund.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: State Administration Chapter

Any fees collected in excess of those needed for support are transferred to the General Fund. The Governor's Budget estimates that $4.2 million will be transferred to the General Fund at the end of the current year and that $2.6 million will be transferred at the end of the budget year.