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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Higher Education

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The 2022-23 Budget: Office of Planning and Research Higher Education Proposals

May 10, 2022 - Thus, a course provided once per academic year at three campuses over the three ‑year period is counted as nine courses.) Of these courses, CELL estimates 38  percent were at CCC, 31  percent were at CSU, 20  percent were at UC, and 11  percent were at high schools.

The 2022-23 Budget: Student Housing

Apr 8, 2022 - The Legislature could alter statute to support more than $500  million in projects this year. On the one hand, approving more projects this year would enable campuses to commence with projects sooner, thereby increasing housing stock more quickly and avoiding higher construction costs in future years.

The 2022-23 Budget: Cybersecurity at the California Community Colleges

Mar 30, 2022 - Typically, a college would be expected to undergo independent security assessments every few years, pay for network security and anti ‑fraud software licenses annually, and make network upgrades periodically.

The 2022-23 Budget: Middle Class Scholarship Program

Mar 30, 2022 - CSAC indicates the soonest it could calculate eac h student ’s MCS award amount each year is in the summer, after campuses have completed their admissions cycle and initial financial aid offers have been made.

The 2022-23 Budget: CCC Chancellor's Office Staffing [Publication Details]

Mar 29, 2022 - Provides background on the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, discusses the Governor's proposal to add 19 new staffing positions and associated funding over a two-year period, and assesses and offers recommendations on the proposal.

The 2022-23 Budget: CCC Chancellor's Office Staffing

Mar 29, 2022 - For these reasons, we recommend the Legislature approve these positions and the associated funding but only on a three ‑year, limited ‑term basis (through  202425). Figure 5 Chapter 566 Contains Several Requirements Over Next Few Years Requirement Time Frame CCC Chancellor ’s Office and other specified educational entities

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Care Economy Workforce Development Package

Mar 10, 2022 - School Behavioral Health Counselors and Coaches 338.0 (across five years) As part of broader Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, provide grants to a variety of entities to increase number of behavioral health counselors, coaches, and peer support specialists in schools.

The 2022-23 Budget: Student Financial Aid

Feb 18, 2022 - Under the original program, the state is to open a college savings account for every newborn in California and provide a seed deposit of at least $25 in each account. The  2019 ‑20 budget provided $25  million one ‑time General Fund to SIB to launch the program.

The 2022-23 Budget: California State Library

Feb 18, 2022 - For example, library patrons can earn a high school diploma online through the Career Online High School program, and patrons who are 50 years old or older can participate in digital literacy and online enrichment courses under the GetSetUp program.

The 2022-23 Budget: UC Climate-Related Proposals

Feb 16, 2022 - For occupations requiring less than a bachelor ’s degree, the state ’s programs are primarily concentrated at high schools, community colleges, and local workforce development boards. These programs identify state and regional workforce needs, support credit and noncredit coursework in career ‑focused fields, and provide a variety of other training opportunities (including apprenticeships).