Results for 서울시 tax

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The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 17, 2019 - The spending plan reauthorizes the MCO tax —for three and one ‑half years —under a broadly similar structure as the previous tax. As with the previous MCO tax, the reauthorized tax is a tiered, per ‑member, per month tax on the Medi ‑Cal and commercial enrollment of MCOs.

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating Home Prices [EconTax Blog]

Nov 14, 2018 - Home price growth is an important driver of growth in local property tax collections. Prices also can affect revenues from major state taxes, particularly the personal income tax and sales tax. In general, higher home prices mean more tax revenues for state and local governments.

Overview of the 2017 Transportation Funding Package

Jun 8, 2017 - State Fuel Taxes Gasoline Taxes ($2.5   Billion). The state currently has two excise taxes on each gallon of gasoline: a base tax and a variable “swap ” tax. (We note that there is also a federal excise tax of 18.4  cents per gallon.)

Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency

Sep 30, 2016 - UI Program Is Financed Through Employer Tax Contributions. Employers pay both state and federal UI payroll taxes. State UI taxes are deposited into the state ’s UI trust fund to pay for benefits to unemployed workers.

California’s First Film Tax Credit Program

Sep 29, 2016 - The state ’s corporation tax was most significantly affected —we estimate that nearly $700  million in tax credits, 87  percent of the total, will be applied against corporation tax liabilities. Just over $100  million in film tax credits will be used to request refunds of sales and use tax.

State sales tax and teacher compensation. [Ballot]

Oct 11, 2017 - The guaranteed funding is provided through a combination local property tax revenues and th e state General Fund (consisting primarily of personal income tax, state sales and use tax, and corporation tax revenue).

The 2017-18 Budget: Cap-and-Trade

Feb 13, 2017 - Opportunities to Reduce Taxes. Auction revenue can be used to provide economic benefits. For example, in theory revenue could be used to reduce broad ‑based taxes (such as income or sales taxes), which could help reduce negative impact on economic activity.

The 2017-18 Budget: Cap-and-Trade [Publication Details]

Feb 13, 2017 - We also recommend the Legislature approve cap-and-trade (or carbon tax) with a two-thirds vote because it would provide greater legal certainty and ensure ARB has the ability to design an effective program.

The 2023-24 Budget: California Community Colleges

Feb 22, 2023 - Apportionments for those students remain based entirely on enrollment. ( “Basic aid ” or “fully community ‑supported ” districts receive revenue from local property taxes and enrollment fees that exceed what they generate under SCFF, such that the SCFF calculation does not affect their apportionment funding.)

Proposed statutory initiative related to consumer privacy. [Ballot]

Dec 2, 2019 - Tax Revenues. The measure would have various impacts on businesses and consumers, which could then impact state and local tax revenues. On the one hand, the measure could reduce tax revenues in certain areas.