Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Building Permits Update: July 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Sep 7, 2021 - Total permits in 2021 year to date are 28 percent above the same months in 2020. July ’s total of 5,377 single family permits again exceeded the recent average for the month, although the last three months have been closer to the recent monthly average than the year ’s first four months were.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: August 1 - August 27 [EconTax Blog]

Sep 7, 2021 - Through the 25th, federal withholding was up 18.9 percent from last year, slightly below the state ’s pace.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 8 (Firefighters)

Sep 7, 2021 - Specifically, Section 19829.5 of the Government Code specifies that CalHR “shall provide a memorandum of understanding pursuant to Section 3517.5 to the Legislative Analyst who shall have 10 calendar days from the date the tentative agreement is received to issue a fiscal analysis to the Legislature. […] The memorandum of understanding shall not be subject to legislative

Districts' Pension Contribution Rates and Amounts [EdBudget]

Sep 1, 2021 - Districts' Pension Contribution Rates and Amounts [EdBudget]     a Projections for 2022-23 through 2024-25 are based on CalSTRS' and CalPERS' most recent actuarial valuations (for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020).

Contributions to CalSTRS [EdBudget]

Sep 1, 2021 - Contributions to CalSTRS [EdBudget]     Projections for 2022-23 through 2024-25 are based on CalSTRS' most recent actuarial valuation (for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, reflecting investment returns of 3.9 percent in the fiscal year 2019-20).

Psilocybin legalization. [Ballot]

Sep 1, 2021 - The measure eliminates existing penalties under state law for people 21 years of age and over who engage in psilocybin-related activities including, possession, distribution, trans portation, and sale of psilocybin.

K-12 Proposition 98 Funding by Program [EdBudget]

Aug 31, 2021 - K-12 Proposition 98 Funding by Program [EdBudget]     a Includes $50 million each year for Quality Rating and Improvement System. Excludes non-Proposition 98 funding for programs operated by nonprofit agencies.

K-12 Funding by Source [EdBudget]

Aug 31, 2021 - K-12 Funding by Source [EdBudget] -6.5      a Consists primarily of state pension payments on behalf of districts, state debt service on school facility bonds, non-Proposition 98 funding for the California State Preschool Program, and operational expenses of the California Department of Education. b The June 2020 budget plan shifted funding for several child care programs from

Breakdown of Local Control Funding Formula [EdBudget]

Aug 30, 2021 - Breakdown of Local Control Funding Formula [EdBudget]   a Includes funding for Necessary Small Schools. b Includes funding to increase the concentration grant from 50 percent of the base grant to 65 percent. c Includes funding related to inter-district transfer students, support for the State Special Schools, and the Education Protection Account.

Exploring Recent Trends in California Births [EconTax Blog]

Aug 30, 2021 - If the year-over-year drop in births simply reflected a change in conceptions due to COVID-19, then large declines in the monthly birth numbers would not appear until November 2020. As shown in Figure 2, however, substantial declines already had occurred earlier in the year, suggesting that other factors explain a large part of the year-over-year drop.