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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Labor and Workforce

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Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency

Sep 30, 2016 - Figure 1 Potential Year-End UI Trust Fund Reserve Balances Under Declining or Flat Unemployment a (In Billions) 4.1 a The Employment Development Department projections based on LAO unemployment rate assumptions. b Employers are projected to be paying increased federal unemployment insurance (UI) taxes through 2018, resulting in rapid improvement in the trust fund condition in these years.

The 2017-18 Budget: Funding Public Works Labor Enforcement

Mar 3, 2017 - The Governor proposes a few actions to address the funding shortfall in the SPWEF in 2017 ‑18 and later years. First, the Governor proposes to provide funding to DLSE on a two-year limited-term basis for six positions to conduct outreach with awarding bodies to improve their awareness of their responsibility to ensure that contractors have complied with this requirement, with the intent of increasing compliance and fee revenue over time.

Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency

Sep 30, 2016 - The state ’s peak year-end balance of loans was $10.2  billion at the end of 2012. Since that time, total revenues flowing into the UI trust fund have exceeded the cost of benefits each year so that the amount of the remaining federal loans is decreasing.

The 2017-18 Budget: Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)

Feb 17, 2017 - DGS was able to extend the lease at the current facility on a month month-to-month basis for one year. The terms of the lease extension increase PERB ’s monthly rent costs for the facility by about $54 per month to a total monthly rent of $20,064 for the facility.

CalSTRS Funding: An Update [Publication Details]

May 5, 2017 - The CalSTRS board recently acted to change assumptions used to estimate its unfunded liabilities, including the key assumption about future investment returns--sometimes referred to as the "discount rate." These and other recent developments have eroded CalSTRS' funding situation.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 9 (Professional Engineers)

Sep 4, 2015 - The administration estimates that allowing employees to cash out 60 additional hours each year could increase the state ’s annual costs by more than $30 million ($1 million General Fund) for each of the three years of the agreement.

The 2016-17 Budget: Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)

Mar 1, 2016 - Each year, departments ’ costs of doing business increase. These costs include (1) inflationary cost increases for operating expenses and equipment (rent, postage, fuel, etc.) and (2) merit salary adjustments that departments must provide to eligible employees every year.

The 2017-18 Budget: Governor’s CalPERS Borrowing Proposal [Publication Details]

May 16, 2017 - The Governor proposes that the state and General Fund and special funds repay this loan with interest over a period of about eight years. As we discuss in this brief, we think the plan would probably save the state money over the long run, although uncertainties remain about the likelihood and magnitude of this benefit.

A Review of the CalSTRS Funding Plan: Treatment of Teacher Contributions Also Increase District Unfunded Liabilities [Publication Details]

Feb 2, 2016 - This post is the fourth in a series looking at the implementation of the CalSTRS funding plan. Our third post explained how theoretical asset gains have increased the school and community college district share of CalSTRS’ unfunded liabilities. In this post, we continue this discussion by describing how CalSTRS’ treatment of teacher contributions has also increased the district share.

Cost Shift to Teacher Retirement Costs Raises Short-Term and Long-Term Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 24, 2005 - The Governor proposes shifting $469 million in General Fund teacher retirement costs to school districts and/or schools. Due to current law requirements, it is likely that the proposal would require a $469 million upward “rebenching” of Proposition 98’s minimum guarantee—nullifying the proposed General Fund savings.