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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Health from the past 5 years

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The 2022-23 Budget: California Spending Plan Series [Publication Details]

Sep 29, 2022 - Each year, our office publishes California Spending Plan, a series of publications that summarize the annual state budget. The Overview of the California Spending Plan is presented here along with short online posts that focus on major areas and features of the 2022-23 budget package. As more of these posts become available, we will add them below.

Climate Change Impacts Across California - Crosscutting Issues

Apr 5, 2022 - These closures affected an average of about 950,000 students per year in 2017‑18 through 2019‑20. Schools and child care providers will need to plan for how they can maintain continuity of education and services—particularly for more vulnerable and impacted students—as climate change disruptions become more frequent.

Climate Change Impacts Across California - Health

Apr 5, 2022 - Similar types of efforts from other non ‑health state departments likely will be considered in future years, such as potentially establishing heat or smoke safety standards for outdoor activities at schools, updating building codes, or making changes to general planning requirements.

The 2022-23 Budget: Department of Developmental Services

Mar 29, 2022 - The General Fund cost of these 21  initiatives will continue to ramp up significantly, as  follows: $250 million in 2021‑22. $524  million in 2022 ‑23. $896  million in 2023 ‑24. $923  million in 202425. $1.45  billion in 2025 ‑26 and ongoing.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Care Economy Workforce Development Package

Mar 10, 2022 - School Behavioral Health Counselors and Coaches 338.0 (across five years) As part of broader Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, provide grants to a variety of entities to increase number of behavioral health counselors, coaches, and peer support specialists in schools.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Major Behavioral Health Proposals

Mar 3, 2022 - In addition, the 2021 ‑22 budget included $267.1  million General Fund in 2021 ‑ 22 —ramping down to $145.5  million General Fund in 202425 and ongoing —for DSH to contract with counties for (and for the department to subsequently oversee) additional treatment bed capacity in the community.

The 2022-23 Budget: Health Care Access and Affordability

Feb 23, 2022 - In  the decade since, Massachusetts stayed within its state health care cost growth targets for the first several years of implementation. However, it has exceeded its growth targets in two consecutive years since  then.

The 2022-23 Budget: Public Health Foundational Support

Feb 16, 2022 - Remaining funding would be based proportionally on an LHJ ’s share of the state ’s population (50  percent of funding); level of poverty (25  percent of funding), and share of black/African American, Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander residents (25  percent of funding).

The 2022-23 Budget: Update on Home- and Community- Based Services Spending Plan

Feb 10, 2022 - Additionally, states are given until March  31, 2024 to fully expend the required amount of funding on HCBS enhancements. After March  31, 2024, if it is decided that the program enhancements should continue, California would need to provide funding from an alternative state or local fund source to  do  so.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 9, 2022 - With the expiration of the existing MCO tax at the end of 2022 and the anticipated start of new Medi ‑Cal managed care contracts in 2024, the MCO tax could be renewed for calendar year 2023 without being subject to the complications resulting from reprocurement.