Results for homelessness from the past 5 years

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The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 27, 2021 - Housing and Homelessness The 2021 ‑ 22 b udget provides over $7. 4 b illion (all funds) to about 30 housing and homelessness programs within the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency and departments under the Agency ’s purview.

The 2019-20 Budget: Student Food and Housing Insecurity at the University of California [Publication Details]

Apr 25, 2019 - The Governor proposes to provide the University of California (UC) with ongoing funding to address student food and housing insecurity. UC indicates it would use the proposed funds either to augment student financial aid or support specific food and housing initiatives. In this brief, we provide background, then describe the Governor’s proposal.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2020 - How will the CAAHS Fund, other components of the 2020 ‑21 homelessness package, and existing programs work collaboratively to address homelessness? Medi‑Cal Healthier California for All Funds “Medi ‑Cal Healthier California for All ” Proposal.

The 2023-24 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Major Behavioral Health Proposals

Feb 16, 2023 - No Rent or Temporary Housing Up to six months of rent support or temporary housing to high ‑needs beneficiaries that are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Must be medically appropriate based on clinical and other health ‑related social needs criteria.

The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 10, 2021 - Housing and Homelessness Key Homelessness Proposals. The Governor proposes $1.75  billion one-time General Fund for various programs related to homelessness. Homekey Continuation. The Governor proposes $750  million to continue the Homekey Program administered through the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).

The 2022-23 Budget: Update on Home- and Community- Based Services Spending Plan

Feb 10, 2022 - Support ADRC program operations, including data collection and sharing practices. 5 HCBS Transitions Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program. Provide incentive funds to Medi ‑Cal managed care plans to address homelessness and keep beneficiaries housed. $1,300 Community Care Expansion Program.

Overview of Federal Relief for K-12 Education and Child Care

Apr 29, 2021 - ARP additionally provides $800  million for identifying and providing services to homeless students. California will receive $99  million to support homeless students. Similar to the first two federal packages, ARP requires states accepting ESSER funds to maintain their support for K-12 education and higher education for fiscal years 2022 and 2023.

The 2021-22 Budget: CalAIM: Equity Considerations

Mar 12, 2021 - Key components of CalAIM aim to improve the health and other outcomes for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. (Medi ‑Cal likely is the main source of health care coverage for state residents who are homeless.)

The 2023-24 Budget: College of the Law, San Francisco

Mar 8, 2023 - The program prioritizes employing individuals who were formerly incarcerated or homeless. McAllister Tower Renovation Project Continues. Built in 1929 and purchased by the law school in 1978, the McAllister Tower has served as the school ’s main student housing facility.

The 2023-24 Budget: Scholarshare Investment Board

Mar 7, 2023 - The administration estimates it would cost approximately $140  million annually to provide $500 deposits to each of these students, including larger deposits for students who are foster youth or homeless.