Results for snohomish county lodging tax from the past 5 years

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State Options to Expand Unemployment Benefits

Apr 9, 2020 - Weekly benefit amounts could be set based on each worker ’s most recent tax return or other proof of income. In many cases, however, ineligible workers have no way to show prior earnings. This likely is true for undocumented workers who work informally and do not file income tax returns using an Individual Tax Identification Number.

The 2019-20 Budget: What Can Be Done to Improve Local Planning for Housing? [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2019 - Format: HTML Description: As part of the 2019‑20 Governor’s Budget, the administration proposes changing state oversight of local housing decisions and proposes offering rewards to cities and counties to encourage them to plan for and approve housing.

Main Types of Disasters and Associated Trends

Jan 10, 2019 - Since 1992, every county in California has been declared a federal disaster area at least once for a flooding event. However, some portions of the state —such as parts of the Sacramento Valley —are more prone to flooding than others.

K-12 Funding by Source [EdBudget]

Jul 28, 2020 - Includes one-time pension payments of $2.8 billion in 2018-19, $1 billion in 2019-20, and $274 million in 2020-21. c Includes revenue from property taxes collected in excess of the Local Control Funding Formula allotments, parcel taxes, fees, and local reimbursements. d Consists of $4.4 billion from the Coronavirus Relief Fund, $1.6 billion from the Elementary

The 2021-22 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor’s May Revision

May 17, 2021 - If the Legislature wants to make different decisions about this spending (without statutory changes or fund shifts), it can either: (1)  use the funds to make tax rebates and additional payments to schools, (2)  spend on other SAL-excluded purposes, or (3)  use the funds to reduce taxes.

Building Permits Update: August 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Oct 2, 2019 - Multifamily permit numbers in August were bolstered by an uncharacteristically large number of permits issued in Butte County, almost all attributable to new construction in Chico. Data source: CIRB (Construction Industry Research Board), a service provided by the California Homebuilding Foundation .

The 2023-24 Budget: Proposed Energy Policy Changes

Mar 10, 2023 - The CCA program allows cities, counties, and other government entities within the service area of an IOU to purchase and/or generate electricity for their residents and businesses. The intention of this program is to increase options for customers.

Assessing Recent Changes to California Competes [Publication Details]

Mar 30, 2020 - Assessing Recent Changes to California Competes [Publication Details] Assessing Recent Changes to California Competes Format: HTML Description: California Competes is an economic development tax incentive program that allows the administration to negotiate tax credit agreements with individual companies that agree to meet multiyear hiring and investment targets.

Building Permits Update: September 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Nov 1, 2019 - Most of the uptick in multifamily permitting in September was in Southern California, with San Diego, Orange, and Los Angeles counties posting increases of 168 percent, 159 percent, and 74 percent, respectively, over the average of the past five Septembers.

Building Permits Update: May 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Jul 2, 2019 - Major counties in Southern California, the Bay Area, and the Central Valley had big drops in permits this May compared to a year ago. Data source: CIRB (Construction Industry Research Board), a service provided by the California Homebuilding Foundation .