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Resources (31)
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Results for ab 32 in Resources from the past 5 years

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The 2019-20 Budget: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Feb 14, 2019 - Adopt standards for CII performance measures. a Chapters 14 (SB 606, Hertzberg) and 15 (AB 1668, Friedman) of 2018. DWR = Department of Water Resources and SWRCB = State Water Resources Control Board.

The 2019-20 Budget: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection [Publication Details]

Feb 14, 2019 - In this report, we assess several of the Governor’s budget proposals in the natural resources and environmental protection areas. Based on our review, we recommend various changes, as well as additional legislative oversight. We provide a complete listing of our recommendations at the end of this report.

The 2022-23 Budget: Clean Energy Package

Feb 22, 2022 - CEC = California Energy Commission; DWR = Department of Water Resources; GWP = global warming potential; CARB = California Air Resources Board; AB 525 = Chapter 231 of 2021 (AB 525 , Chiu); and CPUC = California Public Utilities Commission.

Expanding Access to Safe and Affordable Drinking Water in California—A Status Update

Nov 10, 2020 - Based on the results of the August 2020 c ap ‑and ‑trade auction, in the first quarter of 2020 ‑ 21 t he SADW Fund will receive $ 20  m illion from GGRF and $12. 5  m illion loaned from the USTC Fund —totaling $32. 5  m illion, or one ‑quarter of $ 130  m illion.

An Initial Review of the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program

Dec 13, 2021 - An Initial Review of the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program $35.5 $49.8 a In addition to these amounts, $2.1 million is dedicated for forest and watershed restoration investments for the drainages that supply the Oroville, Shasta, and Trinity reservoirs in accordance with Chapter 638 of 2018 (AB 2551, Wood).

A Framework for Evaluating State-Level Green Stimulus Proposals

Jan 5, 2021 - For example, S B  32 —and its predecessor legislation, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 o r Chapter  488 (A B  32 ,N ú ñez) —set explicit goals and time lines for reducing statewide GHG emissions.

Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Agriculture [Publication Details]

Dec 15, 2021 - Chapter 135 of 2017 (AB 398, E. Garcia) requires our office to annually report on the economic impacts and benefits of California’s statutory greenhouse gas emission targets.

Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Agriculture

Dec 15, 2021 - Chapter 135 of 2017 (AB 398, E. Garcia) requires our office to annually report on the economic impacts and benefits of California’s statutory greenhouse gas emission targets.

The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 10, 2021 - The Governor proposes $11.7  million one-time General Fund to trial courts for the implementation of the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 (Chapter  37 of 2020 [AB  3088, Chiu]).

Reducing the Destructiveness of Wildfires: Promoting Defensible Space in California

Sep 30, 2021 - A key strategy for reducing home losses during wildfires is for homeowners to maintain an area free of excess or dead vegetation around their homes, known as defensible space.