Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Update on Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics [Publication Details]

Mar 23, 2017 - Correction 5/25/2017: Changed date for new L.A. football stadium's first Super Bowl to 2022, following a decision on this matter by NFL team owners. Reports by Policy Area

Managing Floods in California

Mar 22, 2017 - CDAA typically covers no more than 75  percent of eligible costs, with the relevant local agency covering the remaining 25  percent of eligible costs. These ratios apply to both state ‑declared eligible disaster costs, as well as to the nonfederal share of federally declared disaster costs, as described below.

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals

Mar 16, 2017 - Schools Required to Operate Transitional Kindergarten Same Length of Day as Kindergarten. Under state law, Transitional Kindergarten is the first year of a two ‑year Kindergarten program. If a school district runs Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs on the same site, the two programs at that site must be run for the same length of the day.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 16 (Physicians)

Mar 14, 2017 - Most state employees receive 50  percent of the maximum contribution from the state if they retire with 10 years of service, with this amount growing each year until it reaches 100  percent of the maximum contribution if they retire after 20 or more years.

Savings Plus Program: An Optional Retirement Benefit for State Employees

Mar 14, 2017 - The median 401(k) account balance of SPP participants between the ages of 56  years and 65  years is $25, 000 —one ‑quarter of the amount reported nationally. (The median 457[b] account balance for this same cohort of participants is slightly higher at $28,000.)

The 2017-18 Budget: Bus Driver Training Program

Mar 10, 2017 - In addition, the office has the authority to charge fees for its certification courses and other services and generated about $100,000 in fee revenue that year. The bulk of fee revenue comes from the school bus driver instructor course.

January 2017 State Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Mar 9, 2017 - EDD now estimates that the state started 2016 with 7,700 more jobs and added 23,600 more over the course of the year as compared to what was previously estimated.  (This means that, on a seasonally-adjusted basis, 2016 ended with 16.638 million jobs in California, as opposed to the 16.607 million estimated in the prior jobs report for December --an increase of 31,300.)

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Mar 9, 2017 - (While changes in the state ’s cost share for this population are on a calendaryear basis under the ACA, we have translated the costs here to a state fiscal ‑year basis.) We note that a sizable portion of these increased state costs are proposed to be paid with Proposition  56 revenues.

Do Communities Adequately Plan for Housing?

Mar 8, 2017 - For example, a community whose rents are 25 percent above the statewide average and whose current total RHNA goal is 1,000 could instead be assigned a goal of 1,250. Increase Local Fiscal Incentives to Build Housing.

Residential Water Use Trends and Implications for Conservation Policy

Mar 8, 2017 - Precipitation Data Suggests 2017 Will Be a Very Good Water Year for California. Fortunately, recent data suggest that the 2017 water year (October 2016 through September 2017) is very likely to be significantly better than recent years.