Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Department of................................ 1215 Military

Department of................................ 1215 Military Department ......... ; ......... ;.... 1219 -Capital Outlay............................ 1221 TAX RELIEF (Item 9100): Senior Citizens': Property Tax Assistance............... 1223 property Tax Deferral.................. 1225 Renters' Tax Assistance ............... ;.

[PDF] Beginning January 1, 1989, the Judicial Council will award

Beginning January 1, 1989, the Judicial Council will award grants from this fund to counties which participate in the Trial Court Funding Program for' purposes of improving court management and efficiency.

[PDF] GENERAL PROGRAMSTA TEMENT . 14,899,000 None Existing law

GENERAL PROGRAMSTA TEMENT . 14,899,000 None Existing law requires the state to provide replacement revenue to cities and counties to compensate them for reduced property tax revenues on 1230 / TAX RELIEF Item 9100 OPEN-SPACE PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS-Continued open-space and agricultural hind.

[PDF] Current law appears torequire that this transfer be based on

Current law appears torequire that this transfer be based on actual revenue collected in 1986-87 under the Substandard Housing Program, minus Franchise Tax Board's (FTB's) projected costs for administering the program.

[PDF] Teale, 284 o Data Processing (See: Electronic Data Processing)

Teale, 284 o Data Processing (See: Electronic Data Processing) Defense of Indigents, Assistance to Counties for, 1132 Department of (See subject: e.g., Forestry, Highway Patrol; Motor Vehicles) Developmental Services, Department of, 559 • Department Support, !)

[PDF] In October 1988, the Director of Finance notified the

In October 1988, the Director of Finance notified the Legislature that he" intended to approve a request from OLA to accomplish review of virtually all asbestos management plans under contract with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB).

[PDF] The backlog of claims in county victim/witness

The backlog of claims in county victim/witness assistance centers is not mcluded .. This omission of the county-level backlog from the board's reports sighlficantly understates the real magnitude of the board's claims backlog.

[PDF] GENERAL PROGRAM STATEMENT None None Chapter 1286, Statutes of

GENERAL PROGRAM STATEMENT None None Chapter 1286, Statutes of 1987 (AB 650, Costa), established a new program-,-the County Revenue Stabilization Program-to provide fiscal relief to "distressed" county governments.

[PDF] The 1989-90 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Chart 12 indicates that 91 percent of these revenues will come from three large taxes--the personal income tax, the sales and use tax, and the bank and corporation tax. The remaining 9 percent of revenues is derived from the insurance tax, interest income from investments, death-related taxes and various other sources.

[PDF] For 1990-91, however, the council proposes to determine the

For 1990-91, however, the council proposes to determine the revenue base by estimating the amount of revenues that should be collected by the counties. Historically, the actual amount collected by the State Controller's Office from the counties has not equaled the amount estimated to be collected based on Department of Health Services' data on the number of marriage licenses and dissolution decrees issued.