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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Capital Outlay

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Ten Years Later: Progress Towards Expending the 2006 Bond Funds [Publication Details]

Jan 3, 2017 - Ten Years Later: Progress Towards Expending the 2006 Bond Funds [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The Administration’s Sacramento Office Building Construction Strategy: Ensuring Robust Oversight

Dec 14, 2016 - While DGS has not initiated the construction or major renovation of any state office buildings over the past ten years, it has generally taken the department at least six years to complete new state office building and major renovation projects in recent decades.

The 2016-17 Budget: Governor’s General Fund Deferred Maintenance Proposal

Feb 12, 2016 - Specifically, it is uncertain whether these changes reflect actual differences in needs since last year or are a result of differences in how deferred maintenance is catalogued or reported by departments.

The 2016-17 Budget: Review of UC’s Merced Campus Expansion Proposal

Feb 10, 2016 - Projections of public high school graduates fluctuate between small increases and decreases over the next several years, with a less than 1  percent increase in graduates between 2015 –16 and 2019 –20 .

The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor's State Office Building Proposal

Feb 9, 2016 - Consistent with AB 1656, this plan should outline a course of action for the next 25 years. The plan should also provide options on how to start and sequence the renovation and construction of office buildings and identify the order in which the administration proposes addressing state office buildings, consistent with the scope of the Planning Study that the administration proposed in 2014 –15 .

The 2014-15 Budget: A Review of the 2014 California Five-Year Infrastructure Plan [Publication Details]

Feb 10, 2014 - The 2014-15 Budget: A Review of the 2014 California Five-Year Infrastructure Plan [Publication Details] The 2014-15 Budget: A Review of the 2014 California Five-Year Infrastructure Plan Format: HTML Description: In this report, we review California’s Five-Year Infrastructure Plan, the first statewide infrastructure plan released by the administration since 2008.

A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending [Publication Details]

Aug 25, 2011 - A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending [Publication Details] Video Description: California’s infrastructure includes a diverse array of capital facilities across many program areas.

Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell Its Office Buildings? [Publication Details]

Apr 27, 2010 - In our view, taking on long-term obligations—like the lease payments on these buildings—in exchange for one-time revenue to pay for current services is bad budgeting practice as it simply shifts costs to future years.

Implementing AB 900's Prison Construction and Rehabilitation Initiatives [Publication Details]

May 14, 2009 - For example, we note that the department’s construction cost estimates for the infill bed projects reflect an almost quadrupling of costs since the last state prison was built about seven years ago. Moreover, we find that the cost to operate the infill bed and reentry facilities and pay the annual debt service for the lease-revenue bonds to construct these facilities will be significant.

Funding UC Faculty Research Facilities [Publication Details]

Jun 23, 2004 - Since hundreds of millions of dollars a year are available to UC to fund construction of faculty research facilities, we recommend the Legislature treat faculty research facilities in the same manner as it treats other higher education facilities that can be "self-funded."