Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

As such, we recommend the Legislature adopt some version of his proposed changes, 2012-13 B u d g e T Legislative Analyst’s Office 25 with modifications to ensure legislative priorities are met.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Higher Education Proposal

Specifically, the top one-eighth of high school graduates are eligible to attend UC, the top one-third are eligible to attend CSU, and all high school graduates (and others who can benefit from instruction) are eligible to attend CCC.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Funding Requests for High-Speed Rail

For example, while the November 2011 business plan projected between 29.6 million and 43.9 million one-way trips per year on Phase 1 in 2040, the latest plan assumes between 20.1 million and 32.6 million one-way trips per year.

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Governor’s Criminal Justice Proposals

The cost of a single certification is $25. The increased fee is estimated to generate $165,000 in additional revenue. Copies or Comparisons of Files. The fee for copies of court records is proposed to increase from $0.50 to $1 per page, which is estimated to generate an additional $5.9 million in revenue.

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Restructuring the K-12 Funding System

Reestablishes Minimum School Year of 180 Days in 2015-16. In addition to suspending facility maintenance requirements, in recent years the state temporarily allowed districts to reduce their school year by up to five instructional days without incurring fiscal penalties—dropping the requirement from 180 to 175 days.

[PDF] 1992-93 Budget Analysis: Introduction

II.,.25 " State Personnel Board ... :", .... , ••..•. ',";' ... , ... ;; .. ;. ",' . II-40 Public Employe~s~ 'Retiremé~t Sy~te~ .... ': : ..... :: :': .... : .. iI~41 State Teachers' Retirement System ....... :,',' .... : ;' .. : .... ,>: .'

[PDF] 1992-93 Budget Analysis: State and Consumer Services

Gener,al Program Statement Analys,is Page 25 The Franchise Tax Board (FrB) is one of the state's two major tax collection. agencies. The < FrS is responsible for administering California's Personal Income Tax (PIT), Bank and Corporation Tax, Homeowners' and Renters' Assistance programs, and the Political Reform Act audit program.

[PDF] 1992-93 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

SLIAG-funded public health costs in the current year are $32.2 million. The administration indicates that it has not estimated how, much 1992-93 , public health costs,would be, but it is likely that they would be in.the same range as current-year costs.

[PDF] 1992-93 Budget Perspectives and Issues

Current-Year Implications for Counties. For the coun- ties, a shortfall of the magnitude estimated for the current year ($130 million) has serious implications: the need for most counties to make up the shortfall through use of their general purpose revenues and service reductions.

[PDF] Financing of Resources and Environmental Programs

However, in recent years as the costs of these programs have grown, "general Fund dollars dedicated to these purposes have remained approxi- :':inately the same, while special funds have become the major source of ~support for resources and environmental protection programs. 1L,Chart 1 above (please see page 4) shows that expenditures for resources ::'and environmental protection programs have increased moderately over the '~'Jast eight years.