Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Health insurer financial reserves. [Ballot]

Jan 5, 2018 - The measure requires that insurers that operate as part of an integrated health system report to DMHC transfers of cash or assets between the insurer and other entities in the int egrated health system, and would require that cash or assets transferred away from the insurer be counted toward the reserves of the insurer unless the insurer received goods and s ervices equal to the fair market value of the transferred cash or assets.

An Evaluation of CSU's Cross-Campus Online Education Program

Jan 3, 2018 - To evaluate whether the registration process is effectively streamlined for students, as required by Chapter  363, we asked the Chancellor ’s Office to explain the steps for how students sign up for a course and verify how course units will transfer back to their home campus.

Felony sentencing. [Ballot]

Jan 2, 2018 - The measure requires that savings to the state, as calculated by the administration, be annually transferred from the General Fund into a new state fund —the People ’s Fair Sentencing and Public Safety Act of 2018 Fund.

California Public Higher Education: Funding Supplemental Services for Low-Income and First-Generation Students

Dec 20, 2017 - Also, beca use the programs are set in statute and regulations —and funding generally cannot be transferred across programs —the system is not nimble in responding to new information, including changing student needs.

California Community Colleges: Interim Evaluation of Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program

Dec 19, 2017 - Perhaps more importantly, it is unclear to what extent the preparation students accrue from the industry ‑specific bachelor ’s degrees are generalizable into other industries such that workers can be resilient in a dynamic economy, potentially transferring their management skills among industry sectors.

Emergency medical personnel. (Amendment No. 1) [Ballot]

Dec 14, 2017 - Unlike fire department crews, who await emergency calls while stationed at their permanent department location, ambulance crews are positioned throughout a city or region dependin g on the volume and location of 911 calls typically received in that area and the response times agreed upon in the contracts.

Rent control. [Ballot]

Dec 12, 2017 - For the types of policies that have prevailed in California (both before and after Costa-Hawkins), the following effects appear to be most clearly s upported by empirical research: Conversion of Rental Housing to Ownership Housing.

Estate taxes and financial aid for college. [Ballot]

Nov 30, 2017 - The federal estate tax applies to the transfer of assets at death. In 2016, Californians paid $3.9  billion in federal estate taxes. As of 2017, the tax applies to estates valued over $5.49  million.

Fiscal Outlook: Focus on Revenues [EconTax Blog]

Nov 15, 2017 - Consistent with our assumptions about capital gains, we estimate a much larger 2017-18 “true up” transfer to the state’s rainy day fund. The larger transfer (deposit) to the rainy day fund is reflected as a reduction in revenues and largely explains the difference shown in the table for “other revenues and transfers.”

Debt Service on Infrastructure Bonds

Nov 15, 2017 - This ratio indicates the portion of the state ’s annual General Fund revenues and transfers that must be set aside for debt-service payments on infrastructure bonds and, therefore, are not available for other state programs.