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Results for 서울시 tax in Higher Education

42 results

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California Community Colleges: Raising Fees Could Mitigate Program Cuts and Leverage More Federal Aid [Publication Details]

Jun 11, 2009 - New federal tax credit provisions allow the state to tap potentially hundreds of millions of new federal dollars for higher education. Because these tax credits will fully reimburse most California Community College (CCC) students for the fees they pay, the state could raise those fees (and revenue for CCC) with no net impact on most students.

Improving Workforce Education and Training Data in California

Aug 18, 2016 - Department of Education has developed the College Scorecard, which links data from colleges and universities with federal student financial aid and tax data. For a given college, the Scorecard provides information about admissions, student demographics, completions, costs (by family income), student aid (including student loan repayment rates), and the average earnings of students after attending the college.