Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2022-23 Budget: Cybersecurity at the California Community Colleges

Mar 30, 2022 - Typically, a college would be expected to undergo independent security assessments every few years, pay for network security and anti ‑fraud software licenses annually, and make network upgrades periodically.

The 2022-23 Budget: Department of Developmental Services

Mar 29, 2022 - The General Fund cost of these 21  initiatives will continue to ramp up significantly, as  follows: $250 million in 2021‑22. $524  million in 2022 ‑23. $896  million in 2023 ‑24. $923  million in 202425. $1.45  billion in 2025 ‑26 and ongoing.

The 2022-23 Budget: CCC Chancellor's Office Staffing [Publication Details]

Mar 29, 2022 - Provides background on the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, discusses the Governor's proposal to add 19 new staffing positions and associated funding over a two-year period, and assesses and offers recommendations on the proposal.

The 2022-23 Budget: CCC Chancellor's Office Staffing

Mar 29, 2022 - For these reasons, we recommend the Legislature approve these positions and the associated funding but only on a three ‑year, limited ‑term basis (through  202425). Figure 5 Chapter 566 Contains Several Requirements Over Next Few Years Requirement Time Frame CCC Chancellor ’s Office and other specified educational entities

2021-22 “Big Three” Revenue Outlook Update: March 2022 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 28, 2022 - As we discuss   here , we expect the Legislature very likely will face additional, significant constraints this year due to the requirements of the State Appropriations Limit.

California New Business Creation: February 2022 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 16, 2022 - The standard pattern within a year is for a surge of new business formation at the beginning, then gradual declines as the year goes on. In 2020, new business creation was significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Care Economy Workforce Development Package

Mar 10, 2022 - School Behavioral Health Counselors and Coaches 338.0 (across five years) As part of broader Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, provide grants to a variety of entities to increase number of behavioral health counselors, coaches, and peer support specialists in schools.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Major Behavioral Health Proposals

Mar 3, 2022 - In addition, the 2021 ‑22 budget included $267.1  million General Fund in 2021 ‑ 22 —ramping down to $145.5  million General Fund in 202425 and ongoing —for DSH to contract with counties for (and for the department to subsequently oversee) additional treatment bed capacity in the community.

The 2022-23 Budget: CalHR California Leads Proposal

Feb 28, 2022 - In the more than 80 years since the voters first established the civil service, a variety of statutes, decisions, rules, practices, and case law have built upon the constitutional framework of a merit ‑based civil service system.

The 2022-23 Budget: Municipal Stormwater and Urban Runoff Discharges Mandate

Feb 28, 2022 - Typically, the process for determining whether a law or regulation is a state ‑reimbursable mandate takes several years. State law further requires our office to analyze any new mandates identified by the commission as a part of our annual analysis of the state budget.