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State Budget (88)
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Results for quezon city transfer of ownership in State Budget

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The 2018-19 Budget: Repaying the CalPERS Borrowing Plan

Apr 4, 2018 - State Has Already Transferred $4   Billion. Senate Bill 84 authorizes DOF to determine the timing of the $ 6  b illion to be transferred from the PMIA to CalPERS. In a letter dated October  2,  2017, DOF directed the State Controller to transfer the $ 6  b illion in three installments of $ 2  b illion each on October 31, 2017, January 16,  2018, and April 17, 2018.

Building Reserves to Prepare for a Recession

Mar 7, 2018 - Passed by voters in 2004, Proposition   58 r equired the state to make an annual transfer into the BSA. These required deposits were to gradually increase from 1  p ercent of General Fund revenues in 2006 ‑ 07 t o 3  p ercent in 2008 ‑09 and every year thereafter.

The 2018-19 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Nov 15, 2017 - Under these assumptions, we assume revenues and transfers grow 5.2  percent over the period. Increases in revenues from the personal income tax drive the majority of this growth over the period. We project spending to grow at roughly the same rate —on average, 4.9  percent per year.

Fiscal Outlook: Developmental Services

Nov 15, 2017 - If the state chooses to transfer one or more of the properties to another state agency, it would not generate any revenue. Because the nature of the disposition and potential repurposing of DC properties is yet to be determined, we have not projected any offsetting revenue gains.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The 2017 ‑18 budget transfers $851  million from the SPIF to the General Fund. To replace the transferred funding, the budget authorizes the use of $851   million of lease revenue bonds to finance the construction of the two new state office buildings.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - Districts that fail to register and submit required data will not receive funding for their transfer students. Chapter  15 also reduces funding for students transferring into basic aid districts from 70  percent to 25  percent of the funding those students would have generated in their home districts.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - Regarding undergraduate enrollment, the budget expects UC to enroll 1,500 more students in 2018 ‑19 over the 2017 ‑18 level and to enroll at least one new transfer student for every two new freshmen.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The bulk of the proceeds would be allocated to cities and counties to fund affordable rental and ownership housing for low ‑income and middle ‑income households. Second, the package places a $4  billion general obligation bond on the November 2018 ballot.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The Governor ’s Budget also eliminated a $400  million set ‑aside for affordable housing, cancelled a scheduled transfer of $300  million for the replacement of state office buildings, and delayed child care rate augmentations.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The  year ‑over ‑year  net decrease is largely due to the transfer of responsibility and funding for inpatient psychiatric programs from DSH to CDCR. For more information on this transfer, please see the “Judiciary and Criminal Justice ” section of this report.