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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Criminal Justice

124 results

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The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Judiciary and Criminal Justice

Oct 17, 2019 - This includes (1) $25  million in one-time funding for deferred maintenance projects at various prisons, (2)  $23.7  million in one-time funding to replace vehicles, and (3)  an $18.5  million augmentation (increasing to $55.6  million by 2021-22) to fund ongoing prison maintenance.

The California State Bar: Considerations for a Fee Increase

Jun 26, 2019 - The State Bar ’s contribution rates to CalPERS to fund employee pension benefits are expected to nearly double between 2017 ‑18 and 202425 from 12. 3  p ercent of payroll to 21. 6  p ercent of payroll.

Improving California’s Prison Inmate Classification System

May 2, 2019 - Inmates who meet certain criteria, such as those who ( 1)  a re in the first 5 years of a sentence of 25 years or more to life, ( 2)  h ave a history of escape, or ( 3)  h ave committed a severe rule violation.

The 2019-20 Budget: Reorganization of the Division of Juvenile Justice

Apr 10, 2019 - Prior to Chapter  6, the state charged counties a flat monthly fee of $25 for each ward housed in state facilities. Chapter   6 r equired counties to begin paying a sliding scale fee based on the offense committed by the ward.

The 2019-20 Budget: Analysis of Governor's Criminal Justice Proposals

Feb 19, 2019 - CDCR expects the proposed mentor program to improve literacy levels by increasing access to literacy education, leading to higher TABE scores and high school diplomas/equivalencies. Under the proposed program, each instructor would train 20 i nmate literacy mentors beginning in July 2019.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 14, 2019 - Separate from his proposals to pay down the CalSTRS unfunded liability, the Governor proposes providing $ 700  m illion over the next two years ($ 350  m illion per year) to provide school and community college districts immediate budget relief.

The 2018-19 Budget: Criminal Justice Proposals

Feb 27, 2018 - Participants would also have access to high school courses through CCC ’s existing contract with the John Muir Charter School. Allow Some CCC Corpsmembers to Participate in Selected Trainings. In addition to parolees, the program would allow up to 20 CCC corpsmembers at a time to participate in select trainings and certification opportunities to be identified by CCC and CalFire.

The 2018-19 Budget: Criminal Justice Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 27, 2018 - This is an increase of $302 million, or 2 percent, above estimated expenditures for the current year. The budget includes General Fund support for judicial and criminal justice programs of $13.9 billion in 2018‑19, which is an increase of $270 million, or 2 percent, over the current‑year level.

Recent Report Compares California Inmate Health Care Costs to Rest of Nation

Jan 18, 2018 - In addition to having the highest inmate health care costs, California ’s costs (on a per inmate basis) grew significantly faster since 2009 ‑10 than the national average —25  percent versus 3  percent nationwide.

Improving In-Prison Rehabilitation Programs

Dec 6, 2017 - For example, the Legislature could consider providing funding based on an average of multiple years instead of attendance in a single year or could consider providing the high est of two years of funding.