Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] Overview of Proposed Climate and Transportation Budget Solutions

Based on more recent economic and revenue data, we now estimate the state has a $73 billion budget problem to solve in 2024-25. Significant Future Budget Deficits Projected „ Under the administration’s spending and revenue projections, even after adopting the Governor’s proposals, the state still would face annual operating deficits of between $30 billion and $40 billion in 2025-26 through 2027-28.

EdBudget Tables (January 2017)

Jan 13, 2017 - LCFF —County Offices of Education $1,015 After School Education and Safety 547 Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program 25 Safe Neighborhood and Schools Program — County Offices of Education fiscal oversight 5 $1,964 3.1% a Consists of $744 million in General Fund gap funding, $25 million in property tax revenue from basic aid

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: California Student Aid Commission

This results in costs that increase over the next four years. Based on CSAC’s estimates, the annual cost of providing 9,000 additional competitive awards would roughly double by 2024-25. This cost increase would contribute to the state’s projected out-year operating deficits.

[PDF] Reduce class size in kindergarten through twelfth grade

When fully implemented, this measure would increase the number of classroom teachers statewide by approximately 75,000 or 25 percent. Because the program would be phased in, the annual teacher costs would grow considerably in the first few years of the program and then begin leveling off as the target class sizes were reached.

Creating a new online university administered by the University of California (UC). [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2023 - To be eligible for UC admission, entering freshmen must have completed certain high school courses, generally have obtained high grade point averages (GPA), and generally rank among the top of their graduating high school class.

[PDF] Overview of Juvenile Justice System and County Funding Provided Through the State

County Juvenile Population Is Down Despite Realignment „ At the time the realignment legislation was enacted, a total of 928 youths were projected to be shifted to the county level by 2024-25 (a 26 percent increase over the 2019 pre-realignment level). „ In 2023, the county juvenile average daily population was about 880 youths lower than the 2019 pre-realignment level.

Funding for Major Internet-Related Programs Since 2000 [Publication Details]

Feb 17, 2015 - Summarizes major state and federal funding for Internet-related programs.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

The Governor proposes limited-term General Fund support of $8.1 million in 2023-24, $9.3 million in 2024-25, and $7.8 million in 2025-26 based on CDCR’s intention to migrate BIS from ECC 6.0 to S/4HANA over three years.

Third Round of Federal Higher Education Relief Funding

May 3, 2021 - Institutions are to spend HEERF base funds within one calendar year from the date they receive their last award. Federal guidance indicates that institutions may also, under certain circumstances, request an extension of up to one additional year to spend the funds.