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1,530 Publications Found



California's Long-Term Capital Outlay and Infrastructure Needs

February 16, 1995 - Presented To Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Bonded Indebtedness and Methods of Financing - Senators Mike Thompson and Lucy Killea, Chairs


California's Tax Structure

February 15, 1995 - Presented to: Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee


California's Debt Burden

February 9, 1995 - Presented To Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Bonded Indebtedness and Methods of Financing - Senators Mike Thompson and Lucy Killea, Chairs


Counties and the State Budget

February 8, 1995 - Presented to: Newly Elected Supervisors


Trial Court Funding

January 17, 1995 - Trial Court Funding


Initial Comments On The 1995-96 Governor's Budget

January 12, 1995 - Presented To Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee


Legislative Analyst's Office Annual Report - Fiscal Year 1993-94

January 5, 1995 - The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) provides analysis and nonpartisan advice to the California Legislature on fiscal and policy issues, and has done so for over fifty years. The LAO enjoys a national reputation for its fiscal and programmatic expertise, and its high quality, nonpartisan analyses. The LAO is overseen by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC), a 14-member bipartisan committee composed of an equal number of Assembly and Senate members. The office currently has a staff of 46 personnel-years - 36 analytical and 10 support, who serve as a nonpartisan staff respurce to all legislators.


The California Budget Outlook

January 4, 1995 - Presented To The California Agricultural Leadership Program By Elizabeth G. Hill, Legislative Analyst


California’s Economy and Budget in Perspective

January 6, 1993 - California’s Economy and Budget in Perspective


The 1990-91 Senate Budget Bill AB 2660 (Vasconcellos) As Amended in Senate July 10, 1990

July 12, 1990 - The 1990-91 Senate Budget Bill AB 2660 (Vasconcellos) As Amended in Senate July 10, 1990


Administering the Sales and Use Tax

December 1, 1987 - In this report, we describe the perceived problems that led to the enactment of Chapter 1728, and attempt to assess the underlying causes of those problems. Second, we examine whether it would be feasible to exempt new products from taxation, and whether such an exemption would improve the current administration of the sales and use tax. Finally, we analyze the feasibility and costeffectiveness of collecting information concerning specific taxpayer transactions, and the best means of protecting the confidentiality of such information.


California's Parimutuel Horse Racing Tax

December 5, 1984 - The Legislative Analyst's Office was asked to present testimony to the Senate and Assembly Committees on Governmental Organization regarding the states parimutuel horse racing tax. This report covers 4 topics.


Senate Floor Packet - Summary of Senate Action on the Budget Bill 1984-85

May 24, 1984 - Summary of Senate Action on the Budget Bill 1984-85


American Association of University Women

May 21, 1984 - Summary of Assembly Action on the Budget Bill 1984-85


Overview of the Public Mental Health System in California

March 15, 1984 - Data for State Hospital Services for the the Mentally Disabled