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State Corporate Taxation Of Sales to the Federal Government

January 21, 1999 - State Corporate Taxation Of Sales to the Federal Government


Overview of the 1999-00 Governor's Budget

January 15, 1999 - Overview of the 1999-00 Governor's Budget


The Tobacco Settlement: What Will It Mean for California?

January 14, 1999 - The Tobacco Settlement: What Will It Mean for California?


Proposition 10: How Does It Work? What Role Should the Legislature Play in Its Implementation?

January 13, 1999 - Proposition 10, enacted by the voters of California in the November 1998 election, created the California Children and Families First Program, which will fund early childhood development programs from increased taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. A key challenge related to the implementation of Proposition 10 is ensuring that the funds will be spent effectively. We believe that while the Legislature has no direct control over the expenditure of Proposition 10 funds, it should take action to encourage the county commissions to spend their funds effectively.


State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups

January 12, 1999 - State Superfund Reauthorization: Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups


A Special Session Guide To K-12 Reform

January 11, 1999 - A Special Session Guide To K-12 Reform


Overhauling the State's Infrastructure--Planning and Financing Process

December 21, 1998 - We recommend that the Legislature overhaul the planning of the state's infrastructure by developing an integrated statewide infrastructure plan.


Cal Facts: California's Economy and Budget in Perspective-1998

December 18, 1998 - Various "snapshots" of information--particularly graphics--that provide a broad overview of public finance and program trends in the state.


State Should Employ "Best Practices" On Information Technology Projects

December 15, 1998 - We examine 12 specific business practices frequently used by the private sector to develop, acquire, and implement information technology. We recommend that these best practices be used on state information technology projects, unless a project has unique characteristics that warrant exceptions.


Oil Pipeline Spills: The Avila Beach and Guadalupe Experience

December 8, 1998 - (Cal Update)


LAO Recommended Legislation

December 1, 1998 - The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently. While most of our recommendations can be addressed in the annual budget bill, some involve recommended changes in law that require separate legislation. This report summarizes various changes to law that we have recommended in recent years.


New Inmate Projections Show Growth

November 23, 1998 - New Inmate Projections Show Growth


The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections

November 19, 1998 - In striking contrast to the past two years, when strong revenues provided funds for both tax relief and significant spending increases in education and other program areas, our projections indicate that 1999-00 will be a difficult year.


The 1998-99 Budget Act and Related Legislation

October 28, 1998 - The 1998-99 budget, signed into law by Governor Wilson on August 18, 1998, authorizes total state spending of $72 billion, including $57.3 billion from the General Fund and $14.7 billion from special funds.


(1) Status of Collective Bargaining Negotiations, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

October 20, 1998 - (1) Status of Collective Bargaining Negotiations, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments