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The 2024-25 Budget: Department of Social Services Immigration and Equity Programs


[PDF] Overview of Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 Public Safety Budget

March 4, 2024 - Presented to: Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 6 On Public Safety


The 2019-20 Budget: Immigrant Legal Services at the Public Higher Education Segments

May 8, 2019 - In this post, we (1) provide background on immigrant residents in California and state funding for immigrant legal services, including for students and employees at the California Community Colleges (CCC), California State University (CSU), and University of California (UC); (2) describe the Governor’s proposals to provide funding for legal services at the three higher education segments; (3) provide an update on implementation of legal service programs at each segment; and (4) make recommendations on the Governor’s budget proposals.


The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

January 13, 2022 - On January 10, 2022, Governor Newsom presented his proposed state budget to the Legislature. In this report, we provide a brief summary of the proposed budget based on our initial review. In the coming weeks, we will analyze the plan in more detail and release several additional budget analyses.

Update (1/21/22): Includes a corrected estimate of Governor’s Budget proposals that are excludable under the State Appropriations Limit (SAL).


The 2024-25 Budget: Higher Education Overview

January 30, 2024 - In this brief, we provide an overview and initial analysis of the Governor’s higher education budget plan.


[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Proposition 98 Overview and K-12 Spending Plan

February 7, 2023 - In this brief, we analyze the estimates of the Proposition 98 guarantee in the Governor’s budget and assess the overall structure of the Governor’s plan for K-12 funding.


[PDF] The 2025-26 Budget: Higher Education Overview

February 6, 2025 - In this brief, we provide an overview and initial analysis of the Governor’s higher education budget plan.


[PDF] The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version)

October 2, 2018 - Each year, our office publishes the California Spending Plan to summarize the annual state budget. This publication discusses the 2018‑19 Budget Act and other major budget actions approved in 2018. This version reflects all budgetary legislation related to the 2018-19 Budget Act.


The 2023-24 Budget: Broadband Infrastructure

March 20, 2023 - This brief provides updates on federal and state broadband programs and projects, including the state’s 2021 broadband infrastructure spending plan, and considers the proposed delays of broadband infrastructure funding in the Governor’s 2023-24 budget.


The 2024-25 Budget: Department of Health Care Access and Information

February 27, 2024 - This post provides an overview of the Governor’s proposed budget for the Department of Health Care Access and Information, analyzes proposals around health care workforce programs, and provides an implementation update to two recently enacted hospital relief programs.


The 2023-24 Budget: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

February 24, 2023 - In this post, we assess and make recommendations on the Governor’s budget proposal to (1) provide additional resources to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to support its licensing, enforcement, education, and grant programs and (2) transfer to the ABC Fund $48.5 million General Fund over three years that was previously appropriated to the department for a fee waiver program.


The 2024-25 Budget: Broadband Infrastructure

February 28, 2024 - In this brief, we (1) provide updates on three major state broadband programs and projects and three federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act broadband programs; (2) assess each of the broadband infrastructure proposals in the Governor’s 2024-25 budget within the context of a serious budget problem in 2024-25, as well as significant projected future budget deficits; and (3) offer a number of recommendations, including additional budget solutions for legislative consideration.


The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan

October 12, 2022 - Each year, our office publishes the California Spending Plan to summarize the annual state budget. This publication provides an overview of the 2022-23 Budget Act, gives a brief description of how the budget process unfolded, and then highlights major features of the budget approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor.


The 2024-25 Budget: California State University

February 15, 2024 - In this brief, we analyze the Governor’s budget proposals for the California State University (CSU). We also revisit recent CSU one-time initiatives and capital projects.


The 2024-25 Budget: University of California

February 28, 2024 - In this brief, we analyze the Governor’s budget proposals for the University of California (UC). We have sections focusing on UC’s core operations and enrollment. We also revisit recent UC one-time initiatives and capital projects the state had funded.


The 2024-25 Budget: Medi-Cal Analysis

February 14, 2024 - This brief provides an overview of the Governor’s proposed budget for Medi-Cal; describes key trends in Medi-Cal caseload; and analyzes proposals around the managed care organization tax, provider payment increases, and other budget solutions.