Results for snohomish county lodging tax from the past 5 years

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The 2021-22 Budget: California Student Aid Commission

Feb 8, 2021 - Students with dependent children qualify for a supplemental award that brings nontuition coverage to a maximum of $6,000 for Cal Grant A and B recipients and $4,000 for Cal Grant C recipients. c Cal Grant B recipients also receive a supplemental award (up to $8) funded by the College Access Tax Credit.

Stem cell research. [Ballot]

Dec 2, 2019 - (For taxable bonds, the interest that investors earn is not exempt from federal taxes.) CIRM Has Spent Nearly All Available Funds. As Figure 1 shows, bonds issued under Proposition  71 have comprised virtually all of CIRM ’s funding, with a relatively small amount of funding coming from investment income, private donations, and other sources.

The 2020-21 Budget: California Student Aid Commission

Feb 27, 2020 - The work group would have nine members, consisting of a lead, two members of the public, and one representative each from CSAC, the Department of Finance, the Department of Social Services, the Employment Deve lopment Department, the Franchise Tax Board, and the Scholarshare Investment Board.

The 2019-20 Budget: California State Library Local Assistance Proposals

Apr 25, 2019 - The program began as a pilot in 2011 i n Butte County (using federal LSTA funds) but has since expanded. According to staff at the State Library, 68 l ibrary jurisdictions ( 37  p ercent) currently participate in the program.

The 2021-22 Budget: Analysis of the Major University Proposals

Feb 1, 2021 - Moreover, the state has opportunities to translate the lessons learned from its CalFresh student enrollment efforts to various other public assistance programs (such as Medi ‑Cal, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and unemployment insurance) that students may be underutilizing.

The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Debt Liabilities

Oct 17, 2019 - These include loans from other state funds to the General Fund and outstanding obligations to other entities, like cities, counties, and school and community college districts. Bond Debt. These liabilities include the principal and interest amount of outstanding general obligation and lease revenue bonds issued by the state to finance capital infrastructure.

The 2019-20 Budget: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Feb 14, 2019 - There are about 9,000 water systems in California regulated by the state and counties (generally those with four or more service connections —usually the point of access between a water system ’s service pipe and a user ’s piping).

Narrowing California’s K-12 Student Achievement Gaps

Jan 31, 2020 - A district identified as low performing is to receive targeted support from its county office of education (COE). For a district with persistent performance issues, CDE is currently developing a more intensive level of intervention.

Final Evaluation of Community College Bachelor’s Degree Pilot

Jan 24, 2020 - For example, the Tri ‑County Nursing Pathway is a partnership between Riverside City College and two CSU campuses (Fullerton and San Bernardino) that allows associate degree nursing students to concurrently obtain their bachelor ’s degrees.

The 2020-21 Budget: Cal Grant Cost Estimates

Nov 21, 2019 - The budget also provides $6  million from the College Access Tax Credit Fund, a state special fund that supports a small augmentation to the access award. (The CCC Student Success Completion Grant program is supported by Proposition  98 state General Fund, separate from Cal Grant funding.)