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Results for irish state pension in Health

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COVID-19: Federal Health-Related Response [Publication Details]

Mar 23, 2020 - We discuss three sets of federal actions—(1) a federal legislative package focused on public health infrastructure, (2) a declaration of national emergency that opened the door for the state to apply for increased flexibility in the delivery of Medicaid services, and (3) a federal legislative package that provides for increased federal Medicaid funding and universal coverage of COVID-19 testing without cost sharing.

Federal Approval of a Reauthorized Managed Care Organization Tax Now Appears More Likely

Dec 21, 2018 - At that time, state policymakers were expecting revisions to federal rules on health care-related taxes that could have, in the years followin g 2018-19, prohibited a MCO tax similar in structure to the state ’s current MCO tax.

Fiscal Outlook: Medi-Cal

Nov 14, 2018 - Fiscal Outlook: Medi-Cal California’s Fiscal Outlook Fiscal Outlook: Medi-Cal Medi-Cal, the state ’s Medicaid program, provides health care coverage to over 13  million of the state ’s low-income residents.

The 2019-20 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 13, 2019 - As part of the 2003 ‑ 04 b udget package, the state shifted the Medi ‑Cal budget to a “cash basis ” for budgeting, which means that spending is accounted for in the fiscal year in which it leaves the state ’s cash accounts.

Cal Facts 2018 [Publication Details]

Dec 6, 2018 - With a state as big, as populous, and as complex as California, quickly summarizing how its economy or state budget works is impossible. Instead, Cal Facts is a visual guide—using a variety of different charts—to the state's economy, revenues, and major program trends.

Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs [Publication Details]

Dec 14, 2018 - Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Department of Developmental Services Budget

Feb 7, 2020 - Although the federal government has not taken any action against California as of yet, these out ‑of ‑compliance ratios nonetheless put federal funding at risk, particularly given the state ’s experience in the 1990s.

The 2018-19 Budget: Meeting Workforce Demand for Certified Nursing Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Apr 27, 2018 - State law charges DPH with reviewing applications from individuals seeking CNA certification. State law also charges DPH with approving and overseeing CNA training programs. This process includes reviewing training providers ’ proposed lesson plans and ensuring that instructors meet the state ’s minimum qualifications.

Fiscal Outlook: In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

Nov 14, 2018 - It is important to note that the small net growth in state IHSS expenditures in 2019 ‑20 masks a number of cost increases and expected savings. Specifically, in 2019 ‑20, most of the estimated growth in state IHSS costs is expected to be offset by General Fund savings resulting from the statutorily scheduled 7  percent reduction of IHSS service hours triggered by the expiration of the current managed care organization (MCO) tax at the end of 2018 ‑19.

The 2018-19 Budget: Analysis of the Governor's 340B Medi-Cal Proposal

Mar 21, 2018 - The state would ultimately have to compensate MCPs for their higher prescription drug costs. We would note that total Medicaid drug rebate amounts are shared between the federal and state governments, with the state currently receiving about one ‑third of the total rebate revenue. . . .