Results for 서울시 tax

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A proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana (Amendment #2). [Ballot]

Oct 15, 2015 - Under the measure, these taxes would increase annually beginning on January  1, 2020 by the rate of inflation. The measure states that the Legislature could (1) reduce the above tax rates with a majority vote or (2)  increase the above tax rates, or impose additional taxes on marijuana, with a two-thirds vote.

Personal Income Tax Much More Volatile Than Economy [EconTax Blog]

Dec 8, 2014 - Why Is California 's Personal Income Tax So Volatile? Personal income taxes are the largest state revenue source. As this graphic shows, these taxes are much more volatile than statewide personal income.

The cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana (Amendment No 1). [Ballot]

Nov 24, 2015 - The measure establishes three types of taxes on the commercial production and sale of marijuana: Cultivation Tax. The measure imposes a cultivation tax of $2 per square foot of plant canopy on marijuana grown for medical or recreational use.

The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Expands Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) [Publication Details]

Oct 17, 2019 - The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Expands Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

A proposed statutory initiative to lower the legal age to purchase and consume alcohol. [Ballot]

Oct 14, 2015 - Taxes Associated With Alcohol Sales. The state collects an alcoholic beverage tax on alcohol sold in California. The tax is a per-gallon excise tax with a rate that varies by the type of alcohol, from $0.20 per gallon for beer and wine to as much as $6.60 per gallon for some distilled spirits.

The cultivation, possession, and sale of marijuana. [Ballot]

Dec 7, 2015 - In addition, the state could also receive revenue fr om excise taxes, if such taxes were enacted by the Legislature. However, since the measure prohibits sales and use taxes on medical marijuana products, these revenues would be partially offset by the loss of sales tax currently collected on medical marijuana sales.

The 2022-23 Budget: Green School Bus Grants

Feb 10, 2022 - Appropriations subject to the limit consist of total state tax revenues after subtracting excluded spending, including capital outlay, certain spending on emergencies, and certain subventions to local governments.

Building Reserves to Prepare for a Recession

Mar 7, 2018 - Personal Income Tax Is Dominant State Revenue Source. The personal income tax (PIT) is the state ’s tax on most sources of individual income, including: salaries and wages, proprietor and partnership income, capital gains, dividends and interest, and retirement distributions.

Health insurer financial reserves. [Ballot]

Jan 5, 2018 - As part of the MCO tax legislation, the net income from healt h coverage of insurers subject to the MCO tax was made exempt from the corporate income tax. The provisions of the MCO tax legislation, including exemptions from the corporate inco me tax, are set to expire in July 2019.

The 2015-16 Budget: Cigarette Tax and Licensing Programs [Publication Details]

Apr 22, 2015 - The 2015-16 Budget: Cigarette Tax and Licensing Programs [Publication Details] The 2015-16 Budget: Cigarette Tax and Licensing Programs Format: HTML Description: California imposes excise taxes on cigarettes and on other tobacco products such as cigars and chewing tobacco.