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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in Health

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The 2020-21 Budget: Medi-Cal Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details]

Nov 20, 2019 - This web post provides detail on our projections and assumptions related to General Fund spending in Medi-Cal for the years 2019-20 through 2023-24. In the near term, we project Medi-Cal spending to grow to $23.5 billion in 2020-21. Over the long term, we project General Fund spending in Medi-Cal to grow to up to $27.6 billion.

The 2023-24 Budget: Health Workforce Budget Solutions

Feb 21, 2023 - The federal government has designated hundreds of areas in California ( for the most part, small subdivisions of counties) as having shortfalls of primary care, mental health, and dental providers. The state also has designated 38 out of 72 areas in California as having high or medium shortfalls of nurses.

The 2019-20 Budget: Using Proposition 56 Funding in Medi-Cal to Improve Access to Quality Care

Feb 22, 2019 - These concerns led to Proposition   56 —which raises state taxes on tobacco products and dedicates the majority of associated revenues to Medi ‑Cal on an ongoing basis —being put on the statewide ballot in November 2016.

The 2013-14 Budget: Examining the State and County Roles in the Medi-Cal Expansion [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2013 - Currently counties have the fiscal and programmatic responsibility for the care of the low-income adult population that would be covered by the expansion. The Governor has proposed to adopt the optional expansion, but has outlined two distinct approaches to implementing the expansion—a state-based approach and a county-based approach—and has not indicated a preference for either approach.

Realignment Revisited: An Evaluation of the 1991 Experiment In State-County Relations [Publication Details]

Feb 6, 2001 - Realignment Revisited: An Evaluation of the 1991 Experiment In State-County Relations [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Major Potential State Fiscal Risk Averted Following Withdrawal of Proposed Federal Medicaid Financing Regulation

Sep 21, 2020 - For example, MFAR effectively would have prohibited health care-related taxes that place different tax rates on taxpayers based on their levels of Medicaid (versus non-Medicaid) activity. In their current forms, both the hospital quality assurance fee and the MCO tax likely would have run afoul of these rule changes.

Climate Change Impacts Across California - Health

Apr 5, 2022 - Following the 2018 Camp Fire, for example, nearby health systems in Butte County experienced increased demand due to the loss of 100 staffed hospital beds in Paradise. Increased Demand for Certain Services.

The 2021-22 Budget: LAO Preliminary Comments on the May Revision Medi-Cal Budget

May 21, 2021 - CalAIM, as proposed in January, would place new requirements on counties to initiate Medi ‑Cal enrollment, care coordination, and services for county inmates prior to their release from jail. These new requirements would take effect in January 2023.

The 2021-22 Budget: LAO Preliminary Comments on the Governor’s Major May Revision Behavioral Health Proposals

May 24, 2021 - Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Proposal The Proposal The Governor ’s May Revision includes a number of adjustments to the January behavioral health continuum infrastructure proposal to provide competitive grants to counties to acquire or renovate facilities for community behavioral health services (contingent on counties providing matching funds and committing to providing funding for ongoing services).

Federal Approval of a Reauthorized Managed Care Organization Tax Now Appears More Likely

Dec 21, 2018 - MCO Tax Package Included Changes to Other Taxes Paid by Some MCOs. The MCO tax package cut other taxes paid by some MCOs and certain affiliated health insurance companies. Specifically, certain types of income currently subject to the corporation tax is exempted from taxation and certain premium revenue is