LAO 2000-01 Budget Analysis: Index by Department/Program Name
Analysis of the 2000-01 Budget Bill
Index by Department/Program Name

Index by Department Item Number

Aging with Dignity Initiative

Aging, Department of (4170)

Agricultural Labor Relations Board (8300)

Air Resources Board (3900)

Alcohol and Drug Programs, Department of (4200)

Arts Council, California (8260)

Cal-EPA Cross-Agency Initiatives

CALFED Bay-Delta Program

California State University, Capital Outlay (6610)

California Community Colleges (6870)

California Community Colleges, Capital Outlay (6870)

California State University (6610)

CalWORKs Program,  Department of Social Services (5180)

Child Welfare Services

Child Support Services, Department of (5175)

Child Care

Children and Families Commission, California (4250)

Coastal Commission, California (3720)

Community Care Licensing

Conservation, Department of (3480)

Conservation Corps, California, Capital Outlay (3340)

Consumer Affairs, Department of (1110-1600)

Control Section 3.60

Control Section, Capital Outlay 4.50

Control Section 27.00

Controller, State (0840)

Correctional Peace Officers' Standards and Training, Commission on (5480)

Correctional Treatment Centers--Various Institutions, Capital Outlay

Corrections, Department of, Capital Outlay (5240)

Corrections, Department of (5240)

Criminal Justice Planning, Office of (8100)


Developmental Services, Department of (4300)


Education, K-12: High School Exit Exam

Education, K-12: Advanced Placement Courses

Education, K-12: Education Technology

Education, K-12: Teacher Quality and Supply

Education, K-12: Education, Special

Education, K-12: Governor's Scholars Program

Education--Support, Department of (6110)

Education, K-12: California's Per-Pupil Spending Relative to the Nation's

Education, K-12: Supplemental Instruction

Education, K-12: Discretionary Funding

Emergency Medical Services Authority (4120)

Employee Compensation, Augmentation for (9800)

Employment Development Department (5100)

Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (3360)

Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (3980)

Equalization, Board of (0860)

Expenditures, Overview

Expenditures, Major Budget Proposals

Fair Employment and Housing (1700)

Finance, Department of (8860)

Fiscal Picture, State

Fish and Game, Department of, Capital Outlay (3600)

Fish and Game, Department of (3600)

Food and Agriculture, Department of (8570)

Food and Agriculture, Department of, Capital Outlay (8570)

Food Stamps Program

Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of (3540)

Foster Care

Franchise Tax Board (1730)

Gambling Control Commission, California (0855)

General Services, Department of (1760)

General Services, Department of, Capital Outlay (1760)

Health and Human Services Agency Data Center (4130)

Health and Dental Benefits for Annuitants (9650)

Health Services, Department of, State Operations (4260)

Higher Education Intersegmental Issues

Highway Patrol, Department of the California, Capital Outlay (2720)

Housing and Community Development (2240)

Industrial Relations, Department of (8350)

Information Technology, Department of (0505)

Inspector General, Office of the (0552)

Insurance, Department of (0845)

Internet Taxation

Judicial Council (0250)

Judicial (0250)

Justice, Department of (0820)

Justice, Department of, Capital Outlay (0820)

Kin-GAP Program

Land Acquisition Funding

Law Suits—Fiscal Challenge from Three Major

Library, State, California (6120)

Library, State, California, Capital Outlay (6120)

Local Government Financing (9210)

Lottery Commission, California State(0850)

Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (4280)

Managed Care, Department of (2400)

Medi-Cal--California Medical Assistance Program

Mental Health, Department of (4440)

Mental Health, Department of, Capital Outlay (4440)

Military Department, Capital Outlay (8940)

Military Department (8940)

Parks and Recreation, Department of, Capital Outlay (3790)

Parks and Recreation, Department of (3790)

Personnel Administration, Department of (8380)

Prison Terms, Board of (5440)

Property Taxes—Reconsidering AB 8

Public Employees' Retirement System (1900)

Public Utilities Commission (8660)

Public Health

Rehabilitation, Department of (5160)

Resources Special Programs (3110)


Secretary of State (0890)

Social Services, Department of--CalWORKs Program (5180)

Student Aid Commission (7980)

Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program

Tax Relief (9100)

Teacher Credentialing, Commission on (6360)

Teachers' Retirement System, State (1920)

Trade and Commerce Agency (2920)

Transportation, Department of , Capital Outlay (2660)

Treasurer, State (0950)

Trial Court Funding (0450)

University of California, Capital Outlay (6440)

University of California (6440)

Veterans Affairs and Veterans' Homes of California, Department of (8955-8966)

Veterans' Home of California Yountville, Capital Outlay (8960)

Veterans' Home of California Barstow, Capital Outlay (8965)

Waste Management Board, California Integrated (3910)

Water Resources, Department of (3860)

Water Resources Control Board, State (3940)

Watershed Assessment Initiative

Youth Authority, Department of the, Capital Outlay (5460)

Youth Authority, the Department of (5460)