The Employment Development Department released its preliminary California jobs report for April 2015 on Friday, May 22.
The Franchise Tax Board has released data on taxes paid and income reported on 2013 California personal income tax returns by county.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released preliminary jobs data for metropolitan regions across the U.S. for the month of March 2015.
California's Employment Development Department (EDD) has released preliminary jobs data for the month of March 2015. Once again, jobs increased, and the state's unemployment rate declined.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its February 2015 data concerning employment in the nation's metropolitan areas on April 8, 2015.
New Census data show that Bay Area counties are among those in the state with the most robust in-migration in recent years.
We consider how the elevated unemployment rates in Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties affect the statewide unemployment rate.
The state's Employment Development Department released its first report, to be revised later, on December 2014 job growth in California.