California's Employment Development Department (EDD) has released preliminary jobs data for the month of March 2015. Once again, jobs increased, and the state's unemployment rate declined.
This blog post responds to questions we receive regularly concerning the likely effect of the drought on the state's economy and tax revenues.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its February 2015 data concerning employment in the nation's metropolitan areas on April 8, 2015.
This post provides metro specific summaries of our analyses from California’s High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences.
We consider the relationship between a California area having an agriculture-focused economy and its unemployment rate.
The state's Employment Development Department released its first report, to be revised later, on December 2014 job growth in California.
Farms and ranches occupy a large portion of California's land area. The Central Valley is one of the world's leading agricultural regions.