California Economy and Taxes

State Fiscal Health Index: November 2018 January 4, 2019

An update of our index which tracks the strength of economic conditions relevant to the state’s fiscal health.

Unemployment Claims Update: November 2018 January 2, 2019

A brief look at unemployment claims data for November 2018. 

State Fiscal Health Index: October 2018 December 5, 2018

An update of our index which tracks the strength of economic conditions relevant to the state’s fiscal health. 

Unemployment Claims Update: October 2018 November 28, 2018

A brief look at unemployment claims data for October 2018. 

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating Home Prices November 14, 2018

We discuss the home price forecast included in our Fiscal Outlook and briefly explain our forecasting methodology. 

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating New Construction November 14, 2018

 We discuss the building permit forecast included in our Fiscal Outlook and briefly explain our forecasting methodology. 

State Fiscal Health Index: September 2018 November 13, 2018

An update of our index which tracks the strength of economic conditions relevant to the state’s fiscal health. 

Unemployment Claims Update: September 2018 October 29, 2018

A brief look at unemployment claims data for September 2018. 

State Fiscal Health Index: August 2018 October 3, 2018

An update of our index which tracks the strength of economic conditions relevant to the state’s fiscal health. 

Unemployment Claims Update: August 2018 September 24, 2018

A brief look at unemployment claims data for August 2018. 

State Fiscal Health Index: July 2018 September 4, 2018

We developed an index to track the strength of economic conditions relevant to the state’s fiscal health. 

Unemployment Claims Update: July 2018 August 24, 2018

A brief look at unemployment claims data for July 2018.

Why Are Home Sales a Useful Economic Indicator? August 23, 2018

This post discussed why those interested in monitoring the state's economy should watch home sales. 

Unemployment Claims Update: June 2018 July 24, 2018

A brief look at unemployment claims data for June 2018. 

Why Are Unemployment Claims a Useful Economic Indicator? July 24, 2018

This post discusses why those interested in monitoring the state's economy should watch unemployment insurance claims.