California Economy and Taxes

November 2018 State Tax Collections December 28, 2018

We discuss preliminary November 2018 state tax collections.

State Fiscal Health Index: October 2018 December 5, 2018

An update of our index which tracks the strength of economic conditions relevant to the state’s fiscal health. 

Building Permits Update: October 2018 December 5, 2018

A brief look at housing permit data for October 2018. 

Were Local School Bond Measures Impacted By Recent Federal Tax Changes?  November 30, 2018

We look at data from the 2018 primary and general elections to see if recent federal tax changes had a noticable effect on voters willingness to approve property tax increases to fund school facilities. 

Home Sales Update: October 2018 November 28, 2018



A brief look at home sales data for October 2018.

Unemployment Claims Update: October 2018 November 28, 2018

A brief look at unemployment claims data for October 2018. 

October 2018 Jobs Report November 20, 2018

We discuss California's October 2018 jobs report.

Cannabis Tax Revenue Update November 15, 2018

We discuss cannabis tax revenue updates for 2017-18 and the first quarter of 2018-19. 

Fiscal Outlook: Key Economic Assumptions  November 14, 2018

We show the key economic assumptions underlying our new Fiscal Outlook for California. 

Fiscal Outlook: Focus on Revenues November 14, 2018

We discuss our near-term and out-year revenue estimates in our new Fiscal Outlook for California. 

Fiscal Outlook: Property Tax Estimates Exceed Budget Expectations November 14, 2018

Our new Fiscal Outlook projects that school property taxes will be higher than assumed in the 2018-19 Budget Act

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating Home Prices November 14, 2018

We discuss the home price forecast included in our Fiscal Outlook and briefly explain our forecasting methodology. 

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating New Construction November 14, 2018

 We discuss the building permit forecast included in our Fiscal Outlook and briefly explain our forecasting methodology. 

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating Wages and Salaries November 14, 2018

We discuss our method for estimating wages and salaries. 

Fiscal Outlook: Estimating Capital Gains Revenue November 14, 2018

We discuss our method for estimating capital gains revenue.