Credit/debit card data suggest CA taxable sales continued to grow in November; spending now higher than January.
U.S. retail sales declined by 1% in November, but total sales Jan.-Nov. 2020 were slightly higher than Jan.-Nov. 2019.
New business creation remained well above historical norms in November, despite slowing a bit relative to recent months.
In this post, we look at one unforeseen labor market shift that has important implications for the state’s fiscal picture: compared to past recessions, a larger share of workers who have lost jobs during the pandemic do not have children.
The California labor market collapsed in late March and early April due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In response to COVID-19, state and local officials took steps to limit the spread of the disease. The Governor issued a statewide stay-at-home order on March 19. Since that time, public health officials have issued various directives limiting daily activities. These efforts, as well as health concerns, depressed economic activity across the state. As a result, many employers cut jobs. In this post, we take a closer look at how the pandemic has affected different industries and different types of workers in California.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has upended the way many Californians work. As we described in the first post in this series, many workers have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and job losses have disproportionately affected women, younger workers, less educated workers, and Latino workers. Other workers have had to change the way they work, either by taking extra precautions in how they interact with customers and colleagues or by temporarily working from home instead of the office or job site. In this post, we take a closer look at this group: people whose jobs entail frequent person-to-person contact (frontline workers) and those who likely have been able to work from home (remote workers).
California recorded about 8,000 housing permits in October, with single units accounting for more than 70 percent of the total.
Economic data suggest the state’s economy showed promising improvement in October, but this one-month uptick should be viewed with some caution.
We discuss the results of the November 2020 cap-and-trade auction.
Preliminary summer data and revised spring data show very strong growth in cannabis tax revenue.
California home sales have rebounded strongly from spring slump.
Income tax withholding this week kept pace with the same week in 2019, and collections since late March are 3.5 percent above 2019.
We discuss the economic assumptions underlying the main forecat in our 2021-22 Fiscal Outlook.
We discuss the main revenue forecast in our 2021-21 Fiscal Outlook.